✨Chapter 17✨

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As Tang Shan walked past the third intersection, he crossed paths with Jake who was patrolling the area.

"Tang Shan, where are you going this late?" Jake greeted him as he approached. It was extremely unusual that he wasn't making fun of him and instead, actually quickened his footsteps to catch up to him.

Tang Shan intended to reply, but as the wheels in his mind began to turn, he sighed. "Yuanyu asked you to come, right?"

Jake gave a sheepish laugh and did not deny that statement.

"Can he just stop worrying about me?" Tang Shan was slightly frustrated by Li Yuanyu's efforts.

"Don't flare up at me; tell him yourself." Jake blocked his ears, unwilling to hear Tang Shan's complaints. Instead, he spoke up for Li Yuanyu. "It's not like you don't know how complicated the roads are in this city. A foreigner like you is bound to get lost, and it's not unusual that you might not even be able to find your way back at all!"

Tang Shan, who had gotten a bird's eye view of the city, was definitely aware that Jake wasn't merely trying to scare him. Though he was planning on just strolling along the exterior of the city, he still allowed Jake to come along for his own safety.

The main reason why he had Jake follow him was because having a conversational partner was much better than sulking alone, though there was not much they had in common in the first place.

"So what did you fight over this time?" Jake asked.

"Nothing, really. I just had something I need to sort out."

Jake didn't pursue this any further and the conversation ended.

They didn't see eye to eye in the first place, though it wasn't to the point that they were enemies. However, they still weren't comfortable enough to have a pleasant conversation.

After strolling for around thirty minutes, Tang Shan still didn't look as if he had any plans of stopping any time soon. Jake couldn't help but ask, "Hey, how long are you planning to walk for?"

"Till the end of time."

Jake spat out a curse.

Tang Shan chuckled at that. "I'm joking. I actually want to get to the villa."

"But that's at the other end of the town!" Jake cried out in misery.

"You don't have to follow me, I won't tell on you to Li Yuanyu."

"No! This is my duty! What are you planning to do in the villa? Don't tell me you just want to reminisce there."

"Can't I?"

Tang Shan's response stunned Jake for a moment, and all he could do was glare at him wordlessly.

On the way to the villa, the two of them remained speechless.

The thing that broke the silence was an explosion a few streets away from them.

"Boom!" Red sparks flew and a large portion of the district was instantly covered by dense, black smoke. The glass in the surrounding residences and shops all shattered from the impact. The sounds of confusion gradually increased in volume, and they could clearly hear people shouting and screaming.

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