✨Chapter 10✨

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Tang Shan was beaten awake and he forced his eyelids open. The person who was hitting him was the female soldier, the only mediator in the group of three.

"Hurry up, we need to be on our way." The woman slapped him again and he felt his face swelling up.

Tang Shan tried to move but realised his hands had been tied behind his back. His mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth, and was also tied up with rope. The cloth in his mouth had an awful smell, and he suspected the gag was one of the soldier's socks.

"Get up!" the woman pushed him unreservedly.

His legs seemed to be numb and he couldn't gather any strength in them. Tang Shan stood up with some difficulty, and with a moan of pain, took a step, wobbled, and almost fell backwards. Someone caught hold of him.

"Stop wasting your time talking! Hurry up or they're going to catch up to us!" One of the soldiers grabbed Tang Shan and left hurriedly. The direction they took was rather strange, from one alleyway to another.

Tang Shan was unfamiliar with the pathways in the city and had absolutely no sense of direction. All he knew was that his legs were so numb that he couldn't walk, and he was almost being dragged along. The putrid smell was overwhelming him, but he couldn't vomit even if he tried. It was extremely uncomfortable.

While they were moving, he would often hear voices that seemed to be searching for them. From the volume, there were definitely more than one or two people. This caused the soldiers to be extremely anxious, and they hastened the pace.

Tang Shan had been dragged along the whole time and felt like his wrist was going to be broken. Cold sweat kept dripping down his back.

They finally made it to the tunnel that was pitch black inside.

"We should be able to escape from this town if we take the tunnel. This is the only way out of the city." The female soldier continued on, "We couldn't tell where the tunnel lead to from the roof of a building, but this is the only way out."

"It doesn't matter. There's only one way to find out!"

It wasn't as if they had any other option to fall back on.

They walked along the walls of the tunnel, afraid a car would appear. Luckily, there were no rails on the ground, which meant that trains didn't pass through here.

The further they walked in the dark tunnel, the more afraid they became.


"Why haven't we reached the end of the tunnel yet? There's not even a hint of light!"

"Hey! Don't stop! Keep walking!"

The four of them bumped into one another, and Tang Shan, who had not been steady on his feet, fell to the ground. He was pulled up again.

"What's with you? Don't you even know how to stand properly?"

In the midst of the scolding, someone else shoved him.

"Hey, that's enough. Stop arguing and save your strength! We still don't know how much longer we have to walk till we can get out!" Apparently, the person holding onto him was now the woman. No wonder the strength of the hold on him had lessened quite a bit.

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