✨Chapter 6✨

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He remembered everything, even the expression on Li Yuanyu's face then. Yes, without a doubt, they had been in love.

"Tang Shan? Tang Shan! Are you up there?" Li Yuanyu's voice travelled from below. He then stepped on the chair and poked his head in, discovering Tang Shan in the attic.

Tang Shan sat in a corner, hugging his knees. He was glassy-eyed and didn't seem to have much of a reaction. He was like a statue, unmoving.

Li Yuanyu seemed to notice something, silently watching Tang Shan. He didn't like the lifeless look in Tang Shan's eyes.

"It's really dusty up there... Don't stay there for too long, come down first," Li Yuanyu gestured at him.

"Tell me, how did we start dating?" Tang Shan questioned, voice steady and unemotional.

"It just happened..." Li Yuanyu sighed and held out his arm. "Come down, let's not discuss this up here. I'll tell you everything."

Tang Shan didn't move.

"Should I go up there and bring you down?" Li Yuanyu changed his methods of coercion to one more forceful, moving as if he was about to climb up.

Tang Shan panicked, staring at him in shock.

No! He didn't want to stay here with that man, in a place filled with items full of memories of their past.

"I- I'll go down!"

Li Yuanyu halted his movements and watched Tang Shan for a while longer. He answered with an "all right" and retreated.

Tang Shan got up slowly, his movements difficult. The shock of knowing he was a homosexual was too much for him. Even though he had a few friends who were gay, he couldn't believe he was one of them.

"Be careful," Li Yuanyu looked up at him.

Tang Shan placed both hands on the floorboard, letting his feet go down first. Unexpectedly, one of his hands slipped and he fell to the ground- but luckily for him, Li Yuanyu managed to catch him in time, saving him from imminent danger.

Li Yuanyu's hold on him was extremely familiar. While his mind had forgotten, his body still remembered this feeling.

The moment he felt the man hold him, Tang Shan almost cried, feeling so emotional that his consciousness began to fade.

"Breathe, damn it! Breathe!" Li Yuanyu hit Tang Shan's face repeatedly, sounding extremely frantic, as if something terrible was happening.

From Tang Shan's perspective, he'd only blanked out for a second, but in reality he'd fainted for about a minute. He'd lost consciousness and stopped breathing.

Tang Shan opened his eyes, feeling quite confused. Seeing Li Yuanyu's face filled with concern, he said, "Yuanyu, you look terrible."

Li Yuanyu stiffened at his words, watching him with shock.

Tang Shan, who had awoken, gradually came back to himself. Only then did he realise he'd said something strange.

"How much do you remember?" Li Yuanyu asked.

"Not much. I don't really know either," Tang Shan shook his head. He found himself lying on the floor and slowly sat up. Thinking for a moment longer, he added, "I think we were in love."

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