✨Chapter 18✨

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That day, Jake was busier than a bee taking care of the matter regarding the three soldiers when Li Yuanyu urgently called him to the villa.

He had no clue of what had happened, but Tang Shan had lost his memories again.

Jake was extremely discontent that Li Yuanyu had tossed him this extra baggage.

Li Yuanyu had said something about being afraid that Tang Shan would break down if he saw him, and that he had to temporarily avoid Tang Shan. With just a sentence, he'd left Tang Shan in Jake's care. Jake was hopping mad at this but had nowhere to vent his anger, and it wasn't as if Tang Shan was someone he could complain to.

This was just hard to bear!!!

At the sight of Jake, Tang Shan was silent for a long while, not saying a word. From the looks of it, it didn't seem like Tang Shan could accept the truth, nor did he have any plans to rebel. He couldn't tell what Tang Shan was thinking.

Tang Shan's lifeless eyes scanned the area and then fixed on Jake.


Jake greeted but was met with no response. He took it upon himself to continue speaking.

"Are you hungry? Have you had breakfast? Li Yuanyu should have prepared something in the kitchen. Shall I bring it to you?"

Tang Shan's reaction was very slow as he shook his head, rejecting his suggestion.

Jake hummed for a moment, unsure of what he should do and how to take care of Tang Shan. He really did not want to face Tang Shan, who had regained all his memories. That damned Li Yuanyu!

"Did he send you to keep an eye on me?"

Tang Shan finally spoke, but the first thing he brought up was this sensitive topic. Jake had no idea if he should agree or disagree. After pondering over it for some time, he spoke, "I'm not keeping an eye on you. He's just worried about you and got me to come and accompany you. Hm... I know this might be a bit difficult, but if you don't mind, we can have a chat."

"What about?"


Jake immediately regretted his words. How much more stupid could he get? There were a whole bunch of topics that he could not touch on!

"Well then, Jake, please tell me. Why am I still alive?" Tang Shan enquired.

As expected, the very first question was difficult to answer. It was too blunt and straightforward and definitely something to which he could not respond.

"Can we not talk about this?" Jake forced a laugh, "Let's talk about the weather. It's great today, uh, alright, so there's a slight drizzle."

"Why does it rain when Li Yuanyu's in a bad mood? Why do all those families have ceramic dolls that can move?"

"That- That I can't answer."

"Does Li Yuanyu have some super powers? Why can he control the weather?"  Tang Shan asked once more.

"I really can't say anything about this."

Tang Shan finally stopped with his questions. Just when Jake thought he had given up, Tang Shan spoke again.

"I have something I want to ask you."

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