✨Chapter 20✨

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He seemed to have slept for a long time, as if a whole lifetime had passed. He sat up, joints throbbing all over.

Groaning, he sat up and looked around, unsure of his surroundings.

He tried to recall something, but his mind was blank.

Who was he? Why was he here? Where was this place?

Besides the bed, there was nothing at all in the room, which did not help matters at all. He opened the door and walked out of the room. The aroma of Broschtwas in the air.

Following the smell, he went downstairs and found the kitchen. In there was a black-haired man with pale skin, thin and slender, who had his back to him, busy at work.

For some reason, his emotions fluctuated at the sight of the man, and he could not tell what exactly this feeling was.

The man noticed him and gave him a look before turning back to his work. Not long after, he spoke.

"Tang Shan, come here and taste this for me."

Tang Shan? Was that his name? Why was it so foreign? He had no recollection of it at all.

Tang Shan hesitated and found that the man did not make another sound after a long while. Full of uncertainty and confusion, he slowly proceeded towards him.

The man's back was still turned as he took a little dish and scooped some soup for him.

Tang Shan finally saw the man’s face. His features were etched deeply, looking even more delicate than those of a woman. Based on just those features, it was difficult to even tell his gender.

Such a beautiful person sent a smile his way.

Tang Shan was slightly dumb.

"Come on, taste this for me." The man raised the dish, urging him on.

Tang Shan came back to himself and was immediately embarrassed. How could he get so distracted by this man's looks alone? He quickly took the dish, the soup still steaming.

"Careful." The man sounded very gentle, arousing something vaguely familiar.

A dumb Tang Shan drank the Borscht from the dish.

"How is it?"

The sweet-sour flavour of the soup spread in his mouth. He wanted to revel in this taste for a while longer before answering properly.

"How's the taste?" The man asked urgently for the second time.

Tang Shan answered honestly, "So-so. Something seems to be missing."

"Should I add some salt?"

Tang Shan shook his head. It was salty enoughbut lacked a certain flavour. He thought about it carefully. What could be missing?

"Oh! Onion! You forgot the onion."

"Right, I almost forgot about them! Thanks, darling!" The man seemed to realise what was wrong and hugged him emotionally. He left a kiss on Tang Shan's lips and released him before continuing to cook. The movements were all so smooth, so fast, so natural, that this seemed to be a regular occurrence.

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