✨Chapter 13✨

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"Good morning, Mr Li and Mr Tang Shan." The driver removed his cap and bowed. His attire had a historic feel to it, from how it was extremely similar to the way someone from the eighteenth century dressed.

"Good morning."

The driver glanced at their linked hands momentarily and kindly said, "What a sweet couple. You two seem perfect for each other."

Tang Shan was obviously perturbed, but Li Yuanyu grabbed his hand firmly and answered with a smile, "Thank you."

The driver simply accepted his answer as if it was the most natural thing to do.

The two of them got onto the carriage. Tang Shan gazed at the scenery outside, not daring to turn around and look at Li Yuanyu. He didn't retract his hand and left it on the space between them.

The carriage proceeded at a leisurely pace on the road. Tang Shan didn't see anyone on the way.

"Are there a lot of people in the city?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Not really."

"Oh... It's just that there are a lot of buildings here, so I thought there were a lot of people living here." He still remembered how the city looked, with new and old buildings built all over the place.

"Some of them are empty. It's a small place; emigration is a serious problem here."

"I see." So that was the reason. Feeling that the topic seemed to be getting heavy, Tang Shan quickly added, "It's not bad to see all these carriages that give a sense of antiquity. We can focus on this and advertise to the public. Now that we have the internet, everything's very convenient! How about I help set up a website for the city?"

"We're not within the service area. Don't even mention the internet, sometimes we have difficulties just making phone calls! Mr Tang Shan, have you lost your memories again?" The driver heard their conversation and chuckled as he spoke.

Tang Shan went beet red in embarrassment and shut his mouth, unwilling to continue to find out more. It was much too embarrassing!

Was there anyone in this city who didn't know he often lost his memories? Gosh, what a joke he was!

It took about an hour and a half for the carriage to reach the restaurant. Li Yuanyu got off first and extended a hand to Tang Shan, wanting to help him down.

"Thanks, I can get down myself." Tang Shan rejected him, not wanting to be made fun of again.

"Let me help you," Li Yuanyu changed his approach. "I want to help you."

It's just getting off the carriage. What's there to help with! Tang Shan stepped on the carriage step, not finding it unstable at all. Even then, Li Yuanyu's arm was still out, and Tang Shan had no choice but to give in and hold his hand.

Li Yuanyu grinned at that.

Tang Shan didn't want to dwell on this and began to look over the restaurant they were going to. Surprisingly, it was a small place. The decorations made it look cozy, and the gentle lighting as well as wooden interior were extremely similar to those in Li Yuanyu's house.

At the door, there were decorative ceramic gnomes half the size of a man, just like those in Li Yuanyu's house. The interesting thing was that every one of them looked slightly different.

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