✨Chapter 5✨

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Tang Shan sat by the dining table with bacon, fries and steamed eggs in front of him. He'd been pushed and dragged to the table, and Li Yuanyu had nonchalantly urged him to eat, even pouring a glass of milk for him.

"You'll become more emotionally stable once you replenish the calcium in your body," Li Yuanyu smiled gently as he pushed the glass of milk to him.

Tang Shan rolled his eyes.

"You took my locket away, didn't you?" he immediately accused.

"What do you mean? Didn't you put it away?" Li Yuanyu feigned innocence, denying his role in this.

"I put it in my pocket but it disappeared!"

"So you suspect me?"

"If it wasn't you, who else could it be?"

Li Yuanyu's face fell. It looked as if he was on the verge of losing his temper, but he kept his cool and smiled as he maneuvered the plate till it was in front of Tang Shan. "Eat up. It isn't raining today, so I'll show you around."

"I don't-" Tang Shan didn't even get a chance to reject him before a ringtone interrupted him.

Li Yuanyu left the kitchen to answer it. Tang Shan followed him with his gaze, watching the door for a long time. Eventually, he couldn't contain his curiosity and carefully followed in his footsteps and peeked at him.

Li Yuanyu sounded annoyed, as if he was quarrelling with the other party.

"You actually need me to handle such trivial matters? Just handle it yourselves!"

The other party said something, causing Li Yuanyu to fall silent for a long time.

"I understand. I'll make a trip there." He hung up after he answered.

Li Yuanyu walked towards the kitchen, and Tang Shan immediately rushed back to his seat. He held his fork and started to push the bacon around on his plate, trying to pretend he hadn't just eavesdropped on that conversation. However, the harder he tried, the more obvious he was.

Li Yuanyu leaned against the door, his arms tucked in front of his chest. Seeing Tang Shan's unnatural actions- his head bent while he ate voraciously, deliberately not looking at him- it was obvious he was feeling guilty.

"You were listening." It wasn't a question, but a statement.

Tang Shan tensed.

"I need to go out for a bit, so watch the house for me, alright? " Li Yuanyu sounded forceful as he spoke, his gaze unwavering on Tang Shan.

Tang Shan didn't raise his head nor attempt to look at him. He had no reaction to Li Yuanyu's words.

Li Yuanyu lingered for a moment longer, his thoughts unreadable. It didn't seem like he had any intentions of coming closer, and he left the kitchen silently.

Tang Shan listened closely, hoping for Li Yuanyu to leave as quickly as possible. Not long after, he heard something metallic, and then the sound of the door closing.

The moment the door shut, he immediately ran towards the front door. He took a look outside and ascertained that the man had really left, and then reached for the handle and turned it-

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