✨Chapter 15✨

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His full name was Joseph Tang Shan. He'd entered the city because of a car accident.

As he had stayed up the previous night, he'd fallen asleep while behind the wheel, causing him to crash into a tree by the road. From what he heard from the police officer who found him, his car had been completely wrecked. There weren't any skid marks on the road, meaning the force of the impact must have been extremely large.

It was a miracle he was even alive.

He had no memory of that at all. All he knew was he'd been wrapped up very thoroughly and seemed to be in a dire state, what with all the casts and gauze. Unexpectedly enough, he didn't feel much pain.

An officer came by his hospital room to take a statement, and he immediately thought to himself, Shit, what if they take my license? He needed to travel between other cities frequently for work and really needed his car.

He narrated the story to the officer, constantly trying to show how remorseful he was.

"Stop it, don't waste your breath."

Seeing the officer ignore his efforts, Tang Shan had no choice but to give up.

Just when he'd given up, Li Yuanyu appeared. He pushed the door to his hospital room open, bringing in a strangely appealing smell. Li Yuanyu wore his hair short, giving off a fresh look when combined with his androgynous face.

Tang Shan thought this person was better looking than the celebrities on television, but was a bit too effeminate for a man.

The officer stood at attention and saluted to the man, “Mr Li!”

“Are you the newcomer?” Li Yuanyu introduced himself with a kind smile and extended a hand, “Hello, I’m Li Yuanyu, the manager of this town.”

Li Yuanyu’s voice was deeper than he had expected. Tang Shan had envisioned his voice to match with his appearance, sounding high-pitched and girly. However, the reality was that his voice was a rich baritone.

Oh dear. What sort of trouble was he in for the big guy to be visiting him? Maybe he had crashed into a tree that was historically significant?

“H-hello, I-I’m Joseph Tang Shan. Nice to meet you.” Tang Shan shook his hand politely, only to quickly retract his hand at the man’s cold touch. He kept silent for a while from shock and unease. “I caused this town trouble, didn’t I?”

“No, you didn’t. Rest assured. I'm just here to check out the situation. This town is quite remote and we don’t get visitors often!” Li Yuanyu sported a very friendly smile.

“Thank you,” Tang Shan said, but he sensed that things weren’t that simple.

“Also, I came to help arrange your living quarters after leaving the hospital,” Li Yuanyu added,  “I just asked the doctor. He said you can check out in two days.”

This took Tang Shan by surprise. Wow, he thought, this manager sure is nice. He’s the epitome of someone with nothing better to do.

“No, thanks,” Tang Shan refused, “I can tell my family to come pick me up. It only takes half a day to get here from home. Could you just let me use the phone for a second?”

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