✨Chapter 8✨

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Tang Shan wiped his tear-streaked face and made his way over. Out of the items that were strewn, he picked out the tweezers, gauze, hydrogen peroxide solution, Betadine and cotton swabs. Once he was done, he brought them back and sat beside Li Yuanyu.

"Give me your foot."

"I'll do it myself," Li Yuanyu suddenly got reserved.

"Stop messing around, give me your foot," Tang Shan furrowed his eyebrows and urged him on.

Li Yuanyu gave him a look, deliberated for a moment, and lifted his foot.

Tang Shan held onto his ankle and examined the injury on his soles. There were a few fragments that were embedded deeply into the flesh, and a few that had scraped his skin, resulting in a gory mixture of blood and flesh. It was no wonder it was bleeding so badly.

"Doesn't it hurt?" How could he endure it for so long? Tang Shan's brows stayed furrowed, an inexplicable anger rising within him. He picked up the tweezers and carefully picked out the shards one by one.

Li Yuanyu endured it without a sound, though the occasional twitches of his foot lay proof to the pain he felt.

"You idiot!" Tang Shan scolded, though he got gentler so as not to hurt him further. He carefully disinfected the wounds, applied some cream on it, and then wrapped it up.

Li Yuanyu had his hands on the sofa for support, and as he watched Tang Shan's movements, suddenly burst out, "It's at times like this that I think you're still in love with me even though you don't remember it anymore."

Tang Shan did not feel like speaking, and only looked up at him after wrapping and securing the gauze. Li Yuanyu looked quite pale and no better than he was, but he still gave him a slight smile, with a regretful but tender expression.

"Take care of yourself, I'm heading back to my room." Tang Shan patted Li Yuanyu on the foot and shifted it aside. He walked past Jake, who was on the floor, and left the living room.

Jake had just come to as well, and seeing Tang Shan pass by, absently asked, "Where are you going?'

Tang Shan did not bother with him and just left.

"Where's he going?" Jake turned and asked Li Yuanyu, confused. His foot had already been treated and wrapped up, and he stayed on the sofa, gaze chasing after Tang Shan.

That was a lovelorn gaze. Jake shook his head, finding that there was no cure for this man.

"I'm hungry." As he lay on the floor and stared at the ceiling, Jake rubbed his starving belly. Damn it! He hadn't even had the chance to drink any soup!

"Help yourself." Li Yuanyu stood up and stepped over him in pursuit of Tang Shan.

"You're really going crazy. Li Yuanyu, do you know how crazy you are!" Jake yelled at his back, and then began to laugh.

Li Yuanyu ignored Jake's mocking laughter, his focus entirely on Tang Shan. He approached the door to his room and knocked. Not hearing any reaction, he knocked once again. Seeing that there was still no answer, he grabbed the handle.

"Stop it," Tang Shan dissuaded him from behind the door.

"Tang Shan," Li Yuanyu exclaimed in a hurt tone, and almost begged as he said the next line, "I won't do anything, just let me see you. I'll leave once you're asleep."

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