✨Chapter 4✨

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"What do you want me for? I want to sleep," he grumbled, before glaring at Tang Shan.

The policewoman knocked his head good-naturedly. "You! Be more courteous with Mr Tang Shan!"

"What are you doing, it hurts!" Jake cradled his head as he shouted, quickly hiding behind Tang Shan's back and using him as a shield.

"Don't think I can't do anything if you hide behind Mr Tang Shan!"

"What do you want, you monster!"

"You!" The policewoman held up her baton as she advanced towards Tang Shan, aiming for Jake.

The innocent Tang Shan was stuck in between these two, even getting his clothes tugged around by Jake.

Once the policewoman was done venting her anger, she patted Tang Shan on the back, "I'm sorry you had to see such a scene. Jake's extremely familiar with everything in this town, so ask him anything you want to know. I need to go back and patrol now."

Jake only released Tang Shan after he made sure she was gone. He found that a little section of Tang Shan's shirt had gone wrinkly from his tight grip previously, and no matter what he did, the shirt would not return to its previous state. He cursed, trying his best to smooth out the shirt that was now crumpled.

"Shit, I'm finished. Li Yuanyu's going to kill me."

Tang Shan turned around. From his angle, all he could see was half of Jake's head.

"Why didn't you just stay at home like a good boy? You even came outside! Does Li Yuanyu know you came out here?" Jake eventually gave up and got angry, uncaring about the state of the shirt.

Tang Shan grew silent.

Upon noticing the mood wasn't quite right, Jake guessed, "You didn't tell him, did you?"

Tang Shan turned, seemingly having difficulty expressing his thoughts.

"Ugh, you're so troublesome!" Jake rolled his eyes and took his phone out, immediately dialing.

Tang Shan immediately gripped his arm and snatched his phone away, his movements quick and smooth as he disconnected the call.

"What are you doing?"

"Please don't contact him."

"What?! Do you want to get me killed?" Jake made a weird noise, trying to get his phone back. Tang Shan just raised his arm higher, and due to the height difference, Jake couldn't reach even if he stretched for it.

"You bastard, to think you could be so despicable!" Jake yelled as he jumped, though he still couldn't even touch his phone.

At this moment, the phone began to ring. Tang Shan took a look at it- It was Li Yuanyu calling back. He turned around and quickly removed the battery from the phone.

"Here's your phone. As for the battery... I'll keep it for now." He returned the phone to Jake and placed the battery in his pocket.  While he did feel a little sorry for Jake, he tried to look as nonchalant as possible.

"You actually used my phone and hung up on Li Yuanyu's calls?! I'm dead, I'm really dead this time!" Jake was on the verge of tears as he snatched his phone back. The screen was obviously black as the battery was gone, and he immediately began to shout in exasperation.

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