✨Chapter 19✨

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"Come with me." The female police officer took over from Jake, clutching Tang Shan's arm the way she would that of a criminal.

Tang Shan was led away, unable to see the way through the sack, and had no idea of where he was heading.

Once they arrived at a certain point, they stopped. This place seemed to be the heart of the plaza, and he could hear the piercing laughter from the ceramic dolls surrounding him from all directions.

While waiting, the female patrol officer spoke up, asking in a low voice, "There's something I'm rather curious about. Do you still love Mr Li?"

Tang Shan was perplexed.

The female officer did not get her answer.

The ceramic dolls' laughter stopped, and Tang Shan was pushed along by the officer and made to stand still when they reached a certain place. At this point, his hands had been bound.Hearing the sounds of struggle from around him, he occasionally pretended to protest and move.

He was then led to sit on a chair, where his arms and legs were tied to it. The moment he was truly immobile, he was able to feel terror.

It wasgoing to end.


A sharp scream from a female voice sounded from beside him, muted by the sack on her head. It was a dull sound coming from his left and probably belonged to the female soldier. Were they also covered by a sack like he was? That had to be the case, or else it would be much too obvious if he was the only one in this situation.

He could feel his heart rate speeding up, but he was unable to tell if this was fear or the excitement of finally being able to end this all. Even breathing was becoming a difficult task.


Li Yuanyu's voice was practically swallowed up by the violent winds around them.

"You, who have damaged the infrastructure of the town, are guilty."

A sharp, blazing heat emerged within his body and in his flesh, paining Tang Shan so much that he could only vigorously contort his body. This was an instinctual struggle.

He wanted to shout, but no sound could be made despite his opening his mouth wide.


Tang Shan could not feel his toes, the soles of his feet- he knew he was gradually disappearing.

It was going to end.

In this moment, he somehow thought of Li Yuanyu, remembering the great times they had had together. It was not of anyone else; not his family nor his fiancée,Jenny, but Li Yuanyu.

Li Yuanyu, who had embraced him, who had whispered humorous sweet nothings into his ear, who had not even gotten mad at him for teasing him about reading too many romance novels. He had drowned in Li Yuanyu's light kisses that held within boundless love.

Li Yuanyu, who had taken him by the hand andexplored the area, the two of them looking for new routes in the town without a destination.They were close like friends as much as lovers.

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