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// Ropo & Jack, Platonic hugging, Ropo gets a hug :)


Ropo looks around his room "Stupid nightmare..."

He'd been waking up more recently due to nightmares, and it was getting to him.

He wants a good night's sleep, for goodness sake.

Quietly laying back down, he sighs as he stares at the ceiling. He didn't get nightmares often. When he did, it was terrible.

Before this Ropo, would go to Angel and check up on her. If she was awake, hug her. She didn't mind too much, fortunately.

If he could, he would ring up Cap. He was always so kind and understanding.

Cap was understandably too busy to talk with Ropo nowadays.

After Angel left, he would text someone awake at the time.

'You're awake at 3 AM again?'

'Says you!'

However, most of his friendships were not the best anymore.

Some didn't even keep in touch with him.

He misses Cap. Oh, how he misses his sister.

Today his nightmares were awful.

It was too bad to stay in bed and pretend everything was okay.

'Jack's house is only a few minutes away. He won't mind. Right?'

Ropo and Jack, well, they didn't comfort each other. Sure, they were best friends but comforting? They weren't good at that.

Sometimes one of them would visit their house when they were feeling sad. They wouldn't directly talk to each other. But it provided comfort.

Jack likes to steal Ropo's food despite the fact he already has a lot and hangs out in Ropo's room to watch TV.

Sometimes Ropo would join him.

Ropo, however, crashes onto Jack's couch. He wasn't sure why it usually fixes the problem. It could maybe be because it was next to Jack's room.

It was comfortable anyways.

This time though, Ropo couldn't instantly fall asleep. Worry and sadness clouded his mind.

'Maybe that nightmare was worse than I thought...'


Ropo craned his neck to see behind him. He could see his best friend standing in the doorway.

"Bad night? Too bad." Jack walks past him and heads for the kitchen.

Ropo expected that. It was weird how it pained him. Jack walks back with a glass of water in his hands as he stares at Ropo once more.

Jack sighs. "I don't usually do this, but uh..." he puts his glass next to his aquarium. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Ropo shakes his head. He didn't want to talk about death on a peaceful Saturday morning.

"Okay. Do you want to go to my room?"

Ropo sits up and gives Jack a look. 'Really?'

"Do you want to come in or not?" Jack picks up his glass again and takes a few sips as he reopens his bedroom door.

Ropo sighs and stands up to follow Jack from behind. Sitting on his bed, Jack picks up a remote on top of his bedside table.

Ropo sits down next to the bed's leg.

"What movie do you want to watch?"

Jack doesn't like comforting. It's hard. He never knew what to say.

He, however, knew that Ropo liked to watch movies to clear his head.

"Wall-E," Ropo says. Something cute and nice was sure to calm him down.

Halfway through the movie, he did not feel better.

Ropo sighs.

"Sit down next to me. I'm getting tired of seeing your gloomy face," Jack huffs. Ropo slowly sat up and next to Jack.

Though they were best friends, they didn't have much physical contact.

A fist bump, high five, slaps occasionally happen as well.

But other than that, not much physical touch.

Ropo is very much surprised when Jack hugs him.

"I- What?-"

"Oh, shut up,"

They both sat there in comfortable silence as they both clung to each other.

One is just slightly tighter than the other.

And if Ropo fell asleep in his best friend's hands, then nobody needed to know.

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