Red's the favourite colour

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// Ropo / Blood, guns???, death mentions, my timeline for ropo is wacky but ropo's still a hero in training, however he does have his mansion by now, also i could've sworn there was a whole episode where he searches for a house to buy where the hell is it

A'N: I think I've wrote something similar to this already but this is sorta a rewrite.

Also, I have no idea where his dad gets shot but Ropo mentions wounds, as in plural, so I'm just assuming he got multiple and placing them in non fatal areas :'D

ngl, i have no idea what i've written, it's extremely confusing. Ropo's dad is only here for the blood thing, he has no purpose.


Oh god.

Ropo feels so guilty.

His hands tremble, his phone beside him on the pavement after he called 911.

Where the shooter had gone, Ropo has no idea, he couldn't care less actually. All he cares about is the person bleeding out on the floor in front of him.

And oh my god, he doesn't know what to do.

It's been around two months since he's started superhero training, but he hasn't finish learning about superhero work! Let alone how to help someone with a gunshot wound! And the fact that that someone is his dad? The most he knows is how to bandage someone, oh no-

"Son-" Commissioner coughs, as he holds a piece of cloth to his shoulder, putting pressure on it. Ropo immediately focuses on his father, even with tears in his eyes making everything blurry.

"Take my- Take my bandages. Wrap it around and hold it tightly. The leg and my arm." Ropo follows his dad's instruction, the blood taints the white bandage, and Ropo sobs. He still looks towards his father's shoulder in worry.

"What about your shoulder?"

"Don't have enough bandages, have you called the police?" Ropo nods. "Good."

The rest of flew by him like a blur and before he knew it, he was sitting in the hospital waiting room, anxiously waiting for a nurse to come out and tell him whether his step-dad will be okay or not.


Ropo can't remember much.

Either something in that nuclear tub affected him, or head injury must of happened, leading to amnesia. (Well, he was supposed to die if it wasn't for his powers basically keeping him together. Maybe that's the reason.)

Ropo can barely remember things from before the incident, and it frustrates him to no end. Beast said it was possible for some memories to come back but it was most likely permanent and that he wouldn't remember most of this life before this.

Thank goodness he doesn't have too much of a problem of remembering new things but it still makes him upset. He was told stories by his step-parents, stories that he doesn't remember, stories where he makes up what it could've been like in his imagination. Sometimes he can't tell if it's an actual memory for something he made up, despite the story of it being very real.

His most clear memory, as far back as he can remember, was the accident. The school field trip was fuzzy as well, almost dream-like. But he can never forget the way his heart dropped he slipped, the searing pain he felt, the near drowning feeling that lasted for hours. Time blends during it but it didn't matter, it was still pain all the same.

And honestly? A lot of his memories seem traumatic to Ropo. From the confusion, the fear of never talking again, immediately being placed into hero work (He shouldn't even complain about that, he wanted to do this.), whatever X-MEN thing that Little Lizard and Tiny Turtle had going on (The bodies and blood were clear in his mind, it still freaks him out.), finding out he was adopted- and that was just the early stuff! Sure, there was many good ones, finding out Angel was his sister would be one, but jeez, all of this, was within two months. Two.

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