First Few Weeks.

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// Ropo, Jack / .EXE universe / Ropo is an EXE here, Jack is normal because I don't think I made it clear enough. Beta-read for once <3 / 700+ words only :(

A/N: Once again, I haven't watched the .EXE series other than the first two episodes and some random ones in the other seasons. I just think the idea of it is cool, so apologies if some parts are wrong.


Jack clenched his fists, his nails digging into his flesh. 'What do I do now?'

He sat down on the chair and faced his desk. He was currently in an abandoned lab. You can't make an EXE cure if you don't have the materials, right?. The room he was in wasn't too big. It was underground with some liquids, chemicals, and stuff he did not want to think about on some shelves beside the desk. (Jack liked math. Science, however? Ugh... Chemistry was too hard for him to understand. At least all you got to do with mathematics was memorized.)

The lights flickered sometimes. Which was kinda annoying, but Jack tried to ignore it. The old beat-up pc in front of him has security cameras around the whole lab, which let him watch his best friend struggling to find keycards to the other rooms. It was funny. Jack liked to mess with the hero-turned-villain. He'd often sneak up behind him and shoot or hit Ropo with whatever weapon he had in his hands. It's not like Ropo could not have died easily anyway. The virus plus his superhero powers made him nearly impossible to kill, unlike the rest of the city. Jack wonders how Ropo was able to make a sort-of zombie apocalypse happen within a short amount of time.

Heavy footsteps could be heard above him and irritated grumbling, which made Jack eye the door in the left corner. He barricaded it, of course. Knowing Ropo, he would already find the door upstairs that led down to the staircase. He would still need to find the spare key hidden somewhere in this forsaken place. Jack would've tried finding where it was if it wasn't for the fact Ropo was already outside by the time he got into the lab. Jack sighed and stood up, walking over to a prototype of a cure.

"This is so annoying! If I could just get Jack on my side, then we could rule this world together! Jack! I know you can hear me! Stop resisting!" Jack rolled his eyes at the yelling. RopoEXE must be losing his patience.

Now, if only he could figure out how to complete the cure. The virus was kinda like mind control in a way. It brings out the bad in people and multiplies it by a hundred or something. Usually, the person infected was aware but had no control over what they were doing. How in the world is he supposed to find a cure for that?.

Why is he the one doing this anyway? (Ah, right. Most of the scientists were infected too. And cures take years to make.) Shouldn't superheroes take care of this? Where were they?

All of these, wouldn't have happened if Ropo wasn't late to meet him at the cinema. He was always late for things like that, and it was annoying. Jack narrowed his eyes and gripped the table, his knuckles turning white. The feeling of guilt was eating at him as he stared at the jar containing the cure as if it had the answer to all of his problems.

Maybe all of this wouldn't have happened if he didn't go into the Neighbour's house. That's how it all started after all.

Jack tsked. Whatever he'll just finish up the potion and-


Jack swiftly turned around with fear as his best friend, RopoEXE stood with the door wide open with a maniacal smile on his face. Jack quickly grabbed the prototype and a gun from his inventory then, started shooting at the other. Ropo smirked as he pulled out a dagger and charged at him, ignoring the wound in his shoulder. Jack made a break for the door, nearly getting his shoulder sliced, and ran up the stairs. He stored his gun back and pulled out TNT.

"Thank goodness I always carry explosives on me," Jack muttered and ran out the front door. He placed the TNT down at the entrance and lit it up. Jack continued to run, deciding not to look back as the explosions and shouts could be heard behind him. "That should slow him down."

It's fine. He'll just find a different place to complete the cure! And once he does, he can force it down Ropo's throat. His best friend will be back to normal. Maybe attempt to throttle Ropo for making him go through all that, but he can do it. Jack knows he can make a cure and it will work. It has to!

... Right?

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