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// Ropo, Jack / lighthearted, Ropo doesn't want Jack to get in trouble but Jack doesn't listen basically

Based of that one episode with Stark when Jack says that Ropo chews Jack out because he keeps taking stuff from missions.

I wanted to write angst at first but changed my mind, you're welcome :) /j /j


Clink, Clank.

This is the second chest he had pulled out from under his bed, and there were a few more. His bedroom light buzzed annoyingly- he should get that fixed- as he rummaged in the large chest.

"Where is it?" Jack muttered to himself as he searched a chest. He moved potions over to the side carefully. He had stolen those from missions, so who knows what they do. Jack tsked in frustration as clothes and bandages got in the way, and he decided to place them on his bed in front of him.

"C'mon, c'mon... It's definitely in this chest, I'm sure of it!" Jack really needed to find it quick, the sake of his life depended on it, so where was the stupid thing? He looked at his bedside table to check the time on his alarm clock, sweating as he saw he only had 5 minutes left. That's fine, that's totally fine.

Now, all he needs to do is-

"What do you think you're doing?"

Jack's neck turned so fast that he felt it crack, but he didn't care about that now. He was so, so dead. Jack quickly turned, moved in front of the box, and held his arms up as he laughed nervously. "Oh, I'm not doing anything! Nope, nuh uh."

The other raised an eyebrow. Yep, he definitely didn't believe him. Goodbye, cruel world. Jack Hammer will die by his hands today. The person tilted his head, trying to see behind Jack, who quickly tried to cover the chest. He put his hands down and behind him, closing the lid. "Ropo- I swear-"

"That's literally the assassin clothes from our mission 2 months ago on your bed!" Jack looked behind him to see that he indeed had left the assassin's clothes on his bed. Whoops. He glanced back to Ropo, looking sheepish. Ropo didn't look mad, but he looked disappointed, which was probably worse, and it took a lot for him to actually be mad, so it was expected.

"Haha... Sorry?" Jack tried to remedy the situation. Ropo looked at him unconvinced as he walked towards Jack, gently pushed him to the side (Pretty hard, actually. Ropo just made sure he didn't fall to the floor.), and opened the chest. He looked at Jack and deadpanned as he pulled stuff out.

"Potions from the lab, grenades, where did you get grenades? It's been months since we got any! Police uniforms, teeth, why do you have teeth?! Jack, we've talked about this. You can't take stuff from missions for your collection or whatever this is because-"

"Because it may get me in trouble and, blah, blah, blah, blah." Jack rolls his eyes as he made a talking motion with his hand. "Yeah, yeah, I know. You've told me that boring lecture multiple times-"

Ropo hit Jack's shoulder. "Then why do you still have this? And you're collecting even more!" He pulled out a dagger that he had recognized. Jack had found it yesterday on a mission. Jack rolled his eyes and hit Ropo back.

"Shut up and listen." Jack stood up and picked up the assassin's clothing as Ropo placed the items back in the chest. Jack lightly kicked Ropo's knee for him to move, which he does, and Jack drops the clothes in. "What are the chances that the police will investigate my house and end up finding highly criminal items under my bed?"

"10, 15%?"

Jack shot his hands up. "See, see?!" Ropo groaned. Out of all the people he became best friends with...

"Jack, we're literally the police... Sort of. We are heroes."

"And? Tony and Steve have done questionable things!"

Ropo sighs and stands up, hitting Jack on the head. "Just because they're our mentors doesn't mean you're supposed to follow them on everything they do." Jack huffed before he remembered something. He crouched down and opened a trap door from under his bed, pushing the chest back under and pulling a different one out, with Ropo shouting that there was more in confusion.

He rummaged until he found what he was looking for, tsked, and pulled out a bulletproof vest. So, it's been in this one all along. Jack turned and handed Ropo the item. "I completely forgot what I was doing before you came in. I stole your bulletproof vest yesterday during our mission. Sorry, not sorry." He grinned and snickered at his best friend's expression. Ropo stared at him in confusion with furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes. Ropo snatched the vest back after wondering and searching for hours earlier before opting to wear his second pair instead.

"First of all, why? Second of all, you know you're in trouble right?"

Jack rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Chew me out, I'll complain to Tony, and he'll agree with me what a party pooper you are."

"Jack Hammer," Ropo says, having an urge to hit him again. Jack stuck his tongue out at him and triumphed at Ropo's groan.

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