As The Sun Rises

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// gen, friendship / Ropo, Jack, Kelly (Mentioned) / bonding on a cliff, no dialog, fluff, i thought of writing the next death one but eh

PROMPT: Write a scene with two characters with no dialog.


The sun started to rise over the mountain. Ropo and Jack peacefully sat on a cliff, watching the scenery.

The night before was stressfull. Their night had been filled to the brim with missions. Apparently most of the MineVengers had to go out too, with the amount of villains there was.

Ropo sighed and closed his eyes. Feeling the grass on his hands as the taller parts of them start to sway to wind.

Hearing movements, he opens his eyes again to see Jack laying down, looking up at him.

It was a silent invitation. Ropo layed down next to his best friend, crossing his arms over his stomach. Jack smiles and looks up to the cloud.

Sometimes it's nice to enjoy the peaceful surrondings.

Of course, they would have to leave soon. Kelly had asked Ropo to check out a new place that had opened up and Jack had to go visit his mother. Planning on hanging out with her for the rest of the day.

Jack watched the clouds pass by. They looked fluffy, sometimes he wished he could actually touch clouds.

He glanced back to the red capped boy to find his eyes closed again, soft snoring came from him.

Jack grinned and rolled his eyes. He'll let his best friend sleep before he had to go.

This was really nice.

A few more minutes passed. The wind gradually decreasing as the sun started getting higher. Jack was zoning out until he realizes the snoring stopped.

He turned and raised an eyebrow to the now awake person next to him.

Ropo glanced at him and shrugged. Probably accidently fell asleep and woke up because of an animal or something.

Ropo picked up a flower and placed it on Jack's chest. Jack peered at it and picked it up.

It was a freesia.

Jack knows Kelly has been telling Ropo about flower meanings recently. She has with the rest of the Little Club.

He wonders if this one has a meaning as well.

He twirls the flower in his hands. The both stared blankly to the sky. It was getting a lot more blue.

They liked times like these. They get to spend time with each other and don't have to talk.

That was until Jack remembered something funny and started laughing hysterically, nearly dropping the flower.

Ropo stared at him deadpanned. Why was he his friend again? He should have left him at the side of the road.

Freesia - Trust and friendship.

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