Late Night Talk

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// Ropo , Cole , Little Lizard & Scuba Steve (Mentioned and referred to) / Lego Ninjago Series , aftermath of episode 14(mistitled as ep 13) , platonic , Ropo and Cole are slightly out of character i think , light hurt/comfort , not proofread

Context: Ropo and Cole go back in time but because of a mistake, the present gets affected. Lord Garmadon turns Little Lizard and Scuba Steve evil and Ropo and Cole had to trap/banish them.


The outside of the ship was loud with air rushing past it. Though they weren't moving, it was extremely windy that night. Thankfully, most of the noise was muffled from the lower deck of the ship. Ropo wishes it was loud enough to block out his thoughts.

Ropo clenches his eyes shut before turning to his left, making him face Cole. Ropo wasn't sure if he was asleep as the other was facing away from him, but it was most likely since it's late night- Or early morning?- and Ropo should've gone to sleep by now, but he just- Can't. "Hey Cole...? You awake man?"

There was shifting from the bed next to him before Cole's head turns to look at Ropo, not bothering to move his body. Ropo rarely ever saw Cole without a mask on, however, sleep was obviously one of the times he didn't wear his ninja outfit, making it easy to see Cole's eyebags as he tiredly squints at Ropo. He groans before mumbling a string of a sentence Ropo couldn't hear well. "What did you say?"

Cole rolls his eyes. "It's not training time yet. Go to sleep." Ropo blinks completely forgetting that the other had such a high-pitched voice.

"How do you- Nevermind." Ropo sighs and turns to look up the ceiling, deciding to be quiet. Which was very odd, so Cole moves to face him with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay. What's up? Wait no,- Stupid question- Is this about Little Lizard and Scuba Steve?" Ropo seemed to grow more tense at the mention of them. Ah, Cole should've expected this. Sure, he didn't know Little Lizard and Scuba Steve that well, it's only been around a month since they've met, but they were Ropo's best friends. And if Cole was distraught about having to banish his teammates to another dimension, basically killing them, he could only imagine how hard Ropo was taking it. Cole could tell Ropo wasn't focusing as well as he usually could. Ropo was more distracted and that one growl was surprising.

But, Ropo being quiet when upset was weird. For the amount of time Cole has known Ropo, Ropo was always very vocal.

Ropo narrowed his eyes and glares at the ceiling. "What do you think?"

"Do you want to talk about it or not? If not, I'm going back to sleep-"

"I'm just so angry, you know!" Ropo suddenly throws his arms up in frustation, his hands landing on his eyes. "I'm so angry at Lord Garmadon, I'm so angry that I had to banish them, I'm angry... At myself." He digs his palms into his eyes.

"It was our time travel mistake that caused them to fail their mission and turn evil. And you did horrible on the distraction- Past Sensei Wu called you out and everything!" Ropo peeked through his hands to glare to Cole, before his eyes softens and Ropo directs his hands to his fingernails instead to pick at them. "I want to hurt Lord Garmadon so bad."

Cole sighs and gets up, and leaves the room making Ropo confused before Cole popped his head back in. "Sorry! Come, follow me." Ropo rolls his eyes and stands up to trail behind his teammate.

They end up in the control room and Cole pulls out a plug in stove. He grabs tea and a kettle and started boiling the water, adding the tea in. Ropo tilts his head as he stands next to Cole, increasingly getting more confused.

"What are you-"

Cole makes a shushing noise with his index finger on his lips. "Be quiet, Sensei will hear us!" He whispers.

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