Because they were bored.

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This one shot has semi-heavy swearing but that's only because of the game they're playing. :')

// This is all satire and platonic, timelines is before love island, possible OOC? I literally never know.

Just in case: Steve/Cap = Captain America.  Fury = Nick Fury. Yes, they both refer to Cap and Stark in different ways because yes.

Summary: Jack asks Ropo a Fuck, Marry, Kill question :)

352 Words


Jack smiles.

"No, seriously, hear me out."

"No, Jack. I will not hear you out." Ropo sighs.

"But we'll pass the time! And it's hella funny."

Both Ropo and Jack were sat on the couch in Ropo's room. They were both bored and had nothing to do. None of the movies interested them either. So, Jack started to think of games until he thought of one they could play.

"Jack, we are not going to play 'Fuck, Marry, Kill' with our mentors," Ropo huffs.

"Only two of them are our mentors."

"Actually, only two of them are YOUR mentors. I had 6, that's including Cap and Stark, by the way." Jack half-heartedly rolled his eyes at Ropo when he objected.

"Yeah, yeah. But we're only doing the ones that I actually know. Not 'Beast' and 'Visor guy who's actually really scary.'"

"Oh, fine. What's the question?" Ropo grumbled.

"Fuck, Marry, Kill, Steve, Tony, or Fury?" Jack grins. Ropo gaped at him as he processed the question.



"What the fuck?" Jack bursts out laughing.

"What?! I said we were only going to do the ones I knew!"

Ropo spluttered. "But- I- Dude!"

Jack pointed a finger and poked the other in the chest. "Answer the question."

"I- Uhm," Ropo looks towards his television. Honestly, how in the world was he supposed to answer that?

"Fuck Stark, marry Cap, kill Fury."

"I- Damn. I thought you were going to fuck Fury." Jack jokes.

Ropo glared at him. "You've clearly not been around Fury long enough, actually, never mind you have. Why would I fuck Fury? He's terrifying."

"Okay, but why Iron Man? Why not the other way around?" Jack questions.

"Because Stark's annoying to deal with for a long time. Also, it's so unrealistically weird so,"

"True, he calls you kiddo and everything." Jack states.

"He calls anybody in their 20's and below kid."

"Eh," Jack shrugged. Ropo wasn't wrong.

"Okay, now you answer the question," Ropo says.

"Fuck Fury, marry Iron Man, kill Steve," Jack replies.

"Of course, you would, number one Stark fanboy."

"Ropo, I'm genuinely going to slap you."

Ropo & Jack Oneshots.Where stories live. Discover now