Ghost Of You

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// Jack, other characters but they're vague on who they are. / character death but it's mild af / AU / I FORGOT TO PUT, THIS IS INFINITY WAR SERIES, THIS IS EXTRA CONFUSING WITHOUT THAT CONTEXT

I am not re-reading this, this took way too long and i'm tired hurrggh. so not proofread. at all. bunch of mistakes

I was supposed to post this yesterday but I wanted to at least put this through grammarly and get rid of spelling mistakes and stuff e

I'll post explanation later. also longest oneshot i've written, 2k words ayyy


Leaves crunch under his footsteps. Where was he anyway?

Jack observes his surroundings. A forest, he assumes that it's evening. Little orange light shone between the tall tree leaves, making zigzagged-like patterns in the dark below. Jack wonders how he ended up here. His outfit seems normal, other than some dirt here and there. The silence of the forest is quite odd though. If Jack tries to listen hard enough he could hear some type of clashing, like a war. But that's not normal in a forest, is it?

Jack doesn't really know where he's walking. He decides to follow a path of big rocks and hopes he won't end up going in circles. Jack looks around some more. This forest is weird he thinks. Many of the much bigger plants, the trees, bamboo, and other things he doesn't know the name of, seem to be fine, lively, and bright even. But the much smaller ones seem dull, withering, dead. Jack doesn't know much about plants, but maybe it's because the bigger ones are blocking the sun?

Jack stops in his path, not seeing any more big rocks. How long has it been now since he started walking? He does not know. Jack feels like there should be an object- it's at the tip of his tongue- he could use the check the time. Maybe use to call for help, but he can't pinpoint it.

But then he hears humming, it nearly scares the skin off of him. With a hand on his chest, as he pants from fear, he listens to it. It's so loud and clear, yet he sees no one. Jack continues to walk forward. And forward, and forward until he spots the culprit.

A blue, red, and white-suited person could be seen from afar. Jack's even more confused now. He walks toward the figure but ends up stopping quite a bit away from the person. Multiple big rocks and trees are in between them. The other isn't even looking at him, just admiring a photograph in his hands. In front, Jack could see a huge grey metallic building. Jack's confuddled about why there's a whole secret base in the middle of nowhere. But then again, that's how secret bases are supposed to work, right?

"Hello?" Jack asks, unsure what to say.

"Hi, kid."

Jack doesn't know what to make of him. Still unturned, the man continues staring at the photo in the frame. If Jack squints he could see a pink blob he assumes is a person with blond hair standing next to two red people. The back of the man-made Jack feels like he's seen him before, he can't remember. The only thing his mind supplies is that he's someone's favorite. He can't picture who that someone is though. This is making him frustrated, why couldn't he remember anything?

"Please, go now. I'd like to be alone." The blue, red, and white person suddenly says. Jack would try to reach out and touch him, but he doesn't. Something in him tells him it's not a good idea.

"Can I ask a question first?"

"Of course, kiddo."

Jack swallows his saliva. His hands felt hot, yet weirdly dry. "Where am I?" In the back of his mind, he wants to ask a different question. Yet he can't seem to spit it out.

"He watched you."


"Where am I?" Jack asks once again.

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