Mother holds you close

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// Jack, Clouda (Jack's Mother), Jessie Power (Jack's Father) / AU - Jack is a teenager , extra scene but loosely because i'm basing off what Jack said , drabble , TIMESKIP AT ITALICS

I have no idea how to spell his mother's name 💀 I'll fix this up later, this isn't proofread at all. I don't like this that much even though this was written 2 months ago


Clouda stirs the pasta sauce in the pan while the noodles cooked next to it. She hums serenly until hearing small footsteps come towards the kitchen.

"Mom! What are you cooking?" A five year old boy peaked into the kitchen with a smile on his face. Clouda smiles.

"I'm cooking pasta sweetheart."

The boy, Jack, walks into the kitchen, trying to peer into pan. Giving up when he couldn't see it even on his tip-toes, he turns to his mother. "Mom, where's dad?"

The blonde looks down at her son with wide eyes before turning off both stoves, placing the spatula to the side. She crouches down and puts a hand on Jack's head. "Jack, why are you asking?"

Jack tilts his head and looks off to the side. "All the kids at school have dads, why isn't mine here?"

Clouda's eyes soften tiredly. She sighs. "Jack... Your father he's..." She stops hesitantly, not knowing whether to tell the truth or not. She looks into her son's eyes, still bright with child wonder. She couldn't ruin his perspective of his father this early on. Even then, she doesn't think she would be able to say what truly happened to her husband without choking on tears.

"Your father went on vacation to the Bahamas four years ago. He... Lost his passport and couldn't come back."

Jack frowns at the answer. "He can't get a new one?"

Clouda bites her lip. "Yes, dear."

Jack looks at the ground somenly before grinning up at his mother. "Okay! Will he be back one day though?"

Clouda nods. Her son gives her a hug before taking a seat at the dining table. She hates that lying was much easier than telling the truth.

Jack continues to ask the question, "Where is dad?" throughout his years, receiving the same answers his mother first told him back, the conversation always ended the same.

"Your dad will come back some day."

Jack doesn't question the tenseness behind the sentence. The way his mother looks like as if she didn't want it to happen.

Jack was okay with it though. When he reaches his teenage years however, he accepted that his father wouldn't come home anytime soon.


Jack gripped at his arms as tears flowed down his face, as he stared at the man who went on vacation went to prison for 15 years.

"I'm home Jack." Jessie- His dad, said. A small smile was placed on his face.

A seventeen year old boy nearly broke down in his bedroom as his best friend looks at his doors in shock after they went in for a private conversation. Jack didn't think his dad would come back, and now he was here standing in his home.

Jack was so excited.

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