There was tears in my eyes.

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// Jack-centric , Ropo /  , probably OOC i don't know how Jack processes his feelings , AU-ish , no particular timeline , Jack just thinks crying is weak , bec he was a bully and all , and i mean he got bullied when he was younger too apparently so , i think so anyway


Jack doesn't cry.

He's not childish.

He does not cry.

It would be stupid. Only people who are weak cry.

The most of what would happen is that his eyes get blurry and hot as he tries to blink away the tears.

Jack wasn't emotionally closed off- well, maybe a little- but he wasn't that caged about his emotions. But crying was stupid. It showed vulnerability and Jack wasn't vulnerable.

Then Jack met Ropo. Mostly confident but so very stupid. And he was also a very expressive person. Anger, stress, joy, sadness, he showed it clearly with no shame. Ropo cries even when he knows Jack would most likely make fun of him. Ropo yells indignantly, Ropo shows vulnerability.

Jack still likes Ropo though. He's annoying but has a weird charm to him that makes it impossible for Jack to truly hate him. Ignoring everything with his childhood bestfriend Coco.

Maybe he's getting soft because of Ropo.

Because as he's running through the streets, his brain pleads, it pleads for the safeness of his best friend, it begs that his best friend is okay. Jack feels a headache coming on and his throat felt tightened. All because of a mission they were assigned to by Nick Fury. Not that they would ever reject one.

He drops down to his knees next to the body on the floor, ignoring the scraping of his knees. He brought his hand to the side of Ropo's neck to feel for a pulse while he inspects his friend. Weak pulse, unconscious, heavy bleeding in the stomach, forehead and left arm. Blood already pooling to the ground even though its only been a few minutes. A few minutes too late, Jack tsked in annoyance.

He blasts the enemy that had taken Ropo down with his energy blasters, now realizing that he could've just flown over, he was wearing his suit for god's sake!

Jack quickly grabs Ropo, holding him bridal style. Backup was already coming anyway, Jack hates to leave a mission without completing it enough for his tastes but he rather not have his best friend die on the ground.

Jack shook his head and starts up his thrusters, levitating him of the ground. Ropo was resilient. He was like a cockroach, an annoying pest that doesn't go away. That doesn't stop Jack from panicking though.


Ropo was fine.

Apparently his super healing had done most of the work on his flight to the hospital. "'My super healing is not that good' My arse." Jack mutters, shifting in the seat next to Ropo's hospital bed. They got a room to themselves, so that was nice.

Jack watches Ropo sleep peacefully. Ropo was a loud snorer, but this time he was quiet. Jack was always annoyed by it whenever one of them slept over but now Jack really wishes he snored. So that Ropo seems a little bit more alive.

Jack hated seeing Ropo weak. Well, he sees Ropo weak all the time, the guy was an easy target for teasing and making fun of with his very out there personality.

And to be honest, Jack himself didn't know what meant by it.

It's just, Ropo, despite the goody way he is- always making sure Jack doesn't get in trouble- Ropo's like fire. A combustion of unpredictable fire that moves in every way. And now that flame is small, about to go out.

Jack snaps to the bed when he hears a groan. Ropo blinks the weariness out of himself before facing Jack. "Jack...? Am I in the hospital?" Ropo grips at the thin blankets covering him from the chest down.

"Yeah. You got body slammed into the ground idiot. The villain beat you as if you were a punching bag!" Jack cackles.

Ropo's eyes narrow in annoyance and his cheeks turned red, before he sighs in defeat. He honestly feels like burying himself in the bed and go back to dreamland. "Yeah, yeah. Are you okay?"

Jack looks at Ropo in confusion and tilts his head. "I should be the one asking you that."

Ropo shrugs to the best of his abilities. "Yeah, but you could've gotten hurt while I was out cold, Jack. And I'm assuming you carried me here, the roads were blocked. No way an ambulance could get through."

"I mean, yeah. Also, you're extremely heavy. Anyways, they must have you on the really good meds, huh?" Jack smirks and crosses his arms. Totally not feeling like there's a lump in his throat or tears glossing his eyes, nope, nuh-uh, definitely not.

Ropo rolls his eyes. "Even if I wasn't, I would still be worried. You're my best friend."

Jack tries not to think about Ropo arm getting torn up, the way his usually warm skin was cold. They fact that his eyes weren't even open, he doesn't care about these things that much- He should laugh it off- What is he doing?!-


Jack stares at Ropo with his eyebrows slightly furrowed until he realizes  his face feels sticky and wet. He's crying.

He crying like a weakling, this is so stupid-

"Jack, how about we go get McDonalds tomorrow? Then we could go to the candy place or the arcade or something. Let's just hang out?" Ropo smiles, albeit worriedly. He would be a little panicky of his best friend's tears, but Ropo feels like he's about to pass out any minute now and could not be bothered.

"Ye-Yeah. Afternoon?"

"Yes!" Ropo yawns before his eyes shut and falls into blissful slumber once more. Jack wipes away the remaining tears.

Maybe... Maybe crying wasn't that bad. Ropo was a good friend when he truly was upset after all.

Jack slumps into his chair, his eyes suddenly feeling heavy. The next thing he knew, Ropo was standing up next to him with two coffees in his hands and a bright smile on his face. The sun shining through the curtains and Ropo talks about anything that came to mind.

Jack was grateful Ropo never acknowledged the tears.

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