Two Truths

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Lockiss Rocks, Norlangarth

“Indeed. I know everything about House Orthinanos. By the order of the Pontifex, I served House Orthinanos for many years. Come, savior! Let us return Her Excellence to life!”

While I (and the rest of the group, including Sortiliena, Tiese, and Ronie, who I successfully told the truth before we headed out from Centoria) are stupified by the man’s claim, Medina looks at this Hersyrian in confusion. “Isn’t she sleeping? What’s this about resurrection?”

“No. Her Excellence has been killed. Her corpse lies unreachable on the top floor.” What? No… Cardinal said her body became the Cathedral Cedar!

Medina turns her glare to the Integrity Knights. “But the Integrity Knights didn’t say anything.”

“You,” I call out, hoping to drive the focus back on Hersyrian, not his truthful accusations. “What do you want?”

“How pitiful,” Hersyrian says to Medina. “Surely your ancestors look upon you with grief.”

“Why would they?”

“You collude with felons and believe their lies spread in the name of the Church.”

“The Anti-Cedar Task Force is harboring felons?”

“Allow me to answer your question... The one who killed the Pontifex is none other than the one known as Kirito.”

I am so ready to throw myself on this man. “How dare you!”

“Lies,” Medina shouts. “Kirito would never kill the Pontifex! He never met her!”

Hersyrian chuckles. “Now that you are here, I need not worry any longer! I knew House Orthinanos would someday lead the people as the right hand of the Pontifex! The time has come for you to fulfill the prophecy! I implore you to take my hand!”

“I will!” I swing my sword for Hersyrian’s hand, but he retracts it before I could sever it. In doing so, I cause him to step away from Medina and I stand between her and him. “Don’t you dare lay a hand on her.”

“And you lie,” she retorts. “Am I supposed to believe you so easily? Bercouli himself entrusted me with the extermination of these beasts. The one who uses lies to mislead the Axiom Church is none other than you!”

“Hahahaha! Such noble eloquence… You remind me of Miriam Orthinanos, the fifth head.”

Medina gasps. “How do you know that name? Even within our house, there is scarce record of it!

“It is as I said, I know everything about House Orthinanos.”

“I’ve never heard of a ‘Senate Representative’ before,” Alice comments.

“Yeah,” Eydis pitches in, “and we had to deal with that idiot Chudelkin. Yet we never seen or heard of you.”

“Aren’t you the one assuming false titles here?”

Hersyrian glares at the knights. “Haha! You’ve gotten quite cocky for puppets! I will withdraw for now. You will find yourself on the correct path in time. I’ll be seeing you again… My savior. System Call: Generate Umbral Element! Form Mist Shape! Discharge!”

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