Westward Bound

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The next day

“This is the place. Looks like the intel was spot on.” Sortiliena drops off her horse and eyes the nearby forest “Sure you want me to fight alongside you? I wouldn’t want to embarrass you while no one else is here.”

I scoff and tap a recharged Falchion. “Many women have tried besting me, only one succeeded. So probability is not on your side. Let’s get rid of these beasts, and then take our time gathering information.”

“You’re worried about Medina, aren’t you?”

I nod. “Not physically, she has her skills and the wayfarers, but mentally…”

“What happened the other day?”

“As far as I know, I’m the last person she spoke to. I was worried since she hasn’t been herself that entire day, but what really threw me off was a question she asked. If I had to choose between my feelings and what’s important, what would I choose?”

Sortiliena turns away and we walk into the forest. “You choose importance, didn’t you?”

“You say it as if you know me well.”

“No, I just know enough to make a conclusion. For example, I know you didn’t prefer me as your partner, but not because of my skills, but because your adopted apprentices are probably enjoying a nice conversation of our budding romance. If you were to choose, you’d pick Tiese over Ronie, and that’s because you secretly favor Tiese. I think it’s her in general, not anything specific, that draws you to her.”

Oddly enough, she’s not far off on my preference for Tiese, but it’s totally due to her looks. She just reminds me of Nijika, that’s all. As for the other thing. “Budding romance… Nah, your sword is bigger than mine.” Sortiliena looks at me and bursts out laughing. I try to maintain my composure, but her laugh is infectious.

“That is the worst rejection I’ve ever heard.”

“That was horrible, I must admit. Hmm, maybe I should take you out once. Give them something to really talk about.”

Sortiliena nods. “It’s a date then. But back on the main topic. Now that some time has passed, let’s revisit an old topic. What do you think about Medina and the wayfarers? About how she overwrites the feelings of those people with her ‘touch.’”

“Hmm… Like I previously said, I’m not against her doing so. It saved us big time at Rulid. I understand Alice’s position, but I support the use of wayfarers whenever possible, even if we can take care of things ourselves. But...without a doubt, the wayfarers were saved. We need manpower to save the world now...and for what is to come.”

“For what is to come? What do you mean?”

“...One day, Liena, the Eastern Gate will open, and the Human Realm will fight the Dark Territory. The Integrity Knights know of this from Kirito and I, so Bercouli is focusing on the ACTF’s goal now while building up a large enough force for the future. I can tell you this, as things stand now, the enemy would win. Sure, things could change, but something tells me the Dark Territory will be more than prepared to destroy us, especially once they learn the Pontifex is dead. Not even my power could weigh the scale in our favor.”

“Sure you don’t have any secret power inside of you?”

I shake my head. “No, my Incarnation that allows me to summon the Sacred Arts anywhere despite Sacred Power conditions is limited by my physical stamina. And now I realize my ability to summon arts without saying a word is not all too special, Eydis and Alice proved me wrong yesterday, Eydis just let me think it was still an amazing feat after three hundred years. My Perfect Weapon Control is the far extent of my power, but I rather not use it since my sword’s great power comes from the seven stones. I haven't even used its Memory Release power either. And if I do have any other power… I’ve never used it before.”

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