Mother and Son, Part Two

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A complete and perfect resurrection. Congratulations… Mother.” Hersyrian bows low as the Pontifex’s feet touch the ground. Her perfect, pure, naked form, unfit for any man to touch or lay eyes is before him. He has succeeded. He has brought back Administrator.

“System Call… Update Connection.” A purple light surrounds her temporarily, finalizing her connection between body and mind. After it disappears, she turns to Hersyrian, smiling lightly. “We meet again, Hersyrian. Good work reconstructing my consciousness. You’ve done well. Thanks to your efforts, I’ve returned in flawless condition.”

“Your words honor me. Mother… I…”

“It seems we have some vermin down below.”

Hersyrian nods and stands up. Chuldekin has played his part, now to dispose of the trash. “Shall I dispose of them?”

Administrator shakes her head. “No, I want you to stay here. I am a bit drowsy. Perhaps I want to enjoy our reunion, Hersyrian.”

“Whatever you wish, my dearest Mother.”

“And while we await them, tell me of the one named Jaymes…”


Moments later, Jaymes

As soon as we enter the hundredth floor, my eyes are not on the roots that encircle the room, nor on Hersyrian. They immediately hone in on Quinella, and this time, I can tell this is no mere minion. I can feel her Incarnation, I can see it in her eyes and face, and I try not to look elsewhere, hard as that is. But this is her, the complete return of the goddess who rules the Human Empire.

“Quinella. It’s been 300 years.”

“We meet again, Lord of Knights. Back then, I was a child studying the Sacred Arts, now I am the master. Then there’s you, Alice Synthesis Thirty, and you bring along EYdis Synthesis Ten. And… Yes, I remember that face. You’re from House Orthinanos.”

Medina gasps. “Lady Pontifex, you recognize me?”

Hersyrian turns to Quinella. “Mother… Why would you recall this person’s face?”

“Orthinanos appearance data is passed down largely unchanged. Even if impurities enter the bloodline every so often, it won’t thin out easily. You should know that.”

Hersyrian takes slight offense to that, but he says nothing out of turn to his mother. “I see… That’s very like you to observe, Mother.”

“Is it? My current self is made of others’ memories. Perhaps it was one of yours.”

“Yes, that may be so.”

Quinella then faces me again. “Still, I’m disappointed to not see the irregular friend of yours. But what business could you have with me?”

I chuckle as I draw Falchion. “I’m just here to clean up his mess. Seems he left a few stains unchecked. So if you’re thinking you can do the same things you did before, you can bet I’ll do as Kirito did.”

Alice nods as she and the others draw their swords. “If you intend to make innocents suffer any further, I too will raise my sword.”

Quinella looks amused. “Precisely what I expected you to say, I see.”

Hersyrian steps in front of her and walks our way, taking hold of his staff. “You shall not lay a finger on Mother. I won’t allow it. And you, defective Orthinanos… I’ll eliminate you once and for all. After I have the pleasure of making you suffer horrifically, of course.”

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