The Sardine-Loving Cat

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Norlangarth, Rulid Village

“Jaymes, go now!” Once Tiese clears me a path between the swarm of monsters and the Clamp sitting outside Rulid Village, I hoist my sword up and let it glow red with the Vorpal Blade skill. Leaping off my right foot I fly through the masses and strike the fruit of the Clamp, shattering it and killing the Clamp.

I’m exhausted after several tough fights not only just earlier today at the castle but on route to Rulid. Eydis, Sortiliena, Ronie, and some of the wayfarers are holding off the beasts in the woods just south of here, but with the Clamps taken out, this fight should be over soon. With the last beast slain in my vicinity, I sheathe Falchion (still recharging its true power, and it will do so for a few more days) and look to Tiese. “You alright?”

“Yes, although I’m ready for a long sleep and a bath.”

“I’ll have to agree with you on that.” I wonder if there’s a place in the Underworld with hot springs, I’ll kill for it. If there isn’t, I know how to make one happen, if I can recreate such a thing like it was possible in ALO with fire magic. For now, the task at hand. I turn to Medina, who not only got to the village first but recruited the wayfarers Alice brought here just days prior. “Medina, you and the others help these people escape. When we make sure the area is secure, I shoot a flare in the sky.”

“Very well. Let’s go, everyone!”

“Yes, my savior! Obeying you is my one true pleasure in life!”

As Medina leaves, I spot Eydis and her group joining us. “Eydis, stay here with Alice in case something happens. Sortiliena, Ronie, come with me and Tiese. Us and the wayfarers will make sure the region is secure.”




“Putting us on guard duty, the nerve of that boy.” Eydis sighs as she leans against the church window, then turns her head to see the door opening and the small figure walking out. “Oh, hello Selka.”

Selka bows to greet Eydis and faces Alice, the one-eyed golden Integrity Knight’s back to her. “Umm, Alice? Thank you for coming to save me.”

Alice says nothing back, which quickly annoys Eydis for some reason unknown to her. She just has an inner feeling Alice should treat Selka better. “Alice.”

“What is it,” Alice responds.

“I know you mean well, but a friend once said you’ll regret what you don’t say.”

“But I’m not Alice Zuberg...the sister that girl remembers.”

“And? Who said that matters? You protected the person you cared about, Alice. If you didn’t care, why keep your promise to Eugeo? If you’re going to protect the body, protect the memories that body made as well.”

Alice turns away, slowly nodding her head. “True.”

“Alice,” Selka calls again.

Alice faces her sister, kneeling down to her level. “Selka, I ant to keep you safe. Regardless of my memories, that will not change. Even if I’m not really Alice Zuberg, you are very special to me, Selka.”

“But you are my sister. It’s no big deal if you’re missing some memories. So please come home any time you want!” As Alice thanks Selka, Eydis feels her eyes well up. She walks away to give the sisters some privacy and stares up at the starry night.

“Please spare her. She did nothing wrong…”

“Calm yourself. You’re the only one I’m taking.”

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