Rebels and Sinners

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“...With all that said, Medina and I will go and confront Kayode about this.” I take a look at the pendant in my hand and grip it slightly tighter. “Hopefully the pendant is enough to ward any hostility. If not, we’ll take her down.”

“Just you and Medina,” Alice says with concern. “What of the rest of us?”

“I’m concerned about Deusolbert. If FIzel and Linel are here, most likely they were captured. We haven’t heard much from the other knight. As their comrades, you should search the castle for him and the girls. You may even find the other missing children.”

Eydis nods. “I must admit, you may be right. If those girls were freely roaming the castle, it is not their style to be...quiet. Our best bet is the dungeon.”

“Wait. Jaymes, may I speak with you privately?” Sortiliena looks at me and gestures to the shelves behind her. Wondering what she has to say that can’t be said publicly, I follow her to about the seventh row of books before she turns towards the left column. Once she believes we’re out of earshot, she turns around and faces me with a frown. “Take Tiese and Ronie with you.”


“Besides the trip you took to the Northern Cave, you have placed them on assignments with little danger or with enough people to protect them. I do not know why you do so, or if you’re intentionally doing it, but this is not helping them at all. At the academy, as a former student and Elite Disciple, we undertook missions that were dangerous but gave trainees experience in their studies. You are their teacher in place of Kirito and Eugeo, and I know you want to keep them safe because of them, but the best way to keep them safe is to expose them to danger and let them learn.”

I hadn’t intentionally been doing it, but now that I think about it, I have been keeping them away from anything I consider high-risk or placing them with Alice and Sortiliena. I don’t normally consider the beasts strong by any means, but Kayode is a different story. I know exactly why I’m being overprotective. The last time I did this...was with Koharu. I helped her train in SAO back, but once it became a death game, I grew overprotective. With time, that ceased...then it returned when Lisbeth was almost killed, then again with Kureha, Zeliska, and Rei. And in this world, their world, death is permanent for the people of the Human Realm, while I’m (my true self) is invincible. However...the younger me would agree with Sortiliena.

“Koharu… Let’s get stronger. Let’s live and beat this thing!”

“But… I’m just slowing you down…"

No, you’re not. You’ll be way stronger in no time. Besides… You’re the only one I can trust here.”

“Really? Well, okay… Watch out, Jaymes! Cause I’ll be stronger than you someday!”

“Ronie, Tiese,” I address the pair when Sortiliena and I return to the table, “You’re coming with me and Medina. However, if we do fight Kayode, proiritize yourselves over the fight, okay? If things get hairy, leave it to me and Medina. Got it?”

“Yes sir!”


I nod and turn to Medina. “Any objections?”

She shakes her head. “None. Let’s get this over and done with.”


Kayode rises from her throne as we return to the throne room. “At last! Where is he? Where is my Alaud?”

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