Chapter 3

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Rebekah still hadn't contacted her.

Odile had messaged Elijah, reminding him to pass her number along to Rebekah. He claimed he had. But, that evening, instead of a call from Rebekah, Elijah ended up being the one dialing Odile's number.

"Must we revert to how things were nine hundred years ago?" she asked boredly. "I fuck you to get her attention?"

Elijah laughed awkwardly. "I would hope things needn't be that way."

"Right, you're in love with the mother of Niklaus's child, right?"

"Does the entire world know about that?"

"Certainly. It's all Tristan ever talks about. 'Typical Elijah, falling for a woman that isn't his.' At least Aya agrees that Hayley belongs to no one." She sighed. "Is your sister really going to keep ignoring me?"

"She's considering it, I know she is. But Rebekah is far different than you may remember. Just as you are different. Had this occurred right after the incident... you never would have risked your life to protect her."

"I'm protecting myself by protecting her. It's selfish."

"You may tell yourself that, if it helps you sleep at night."

"Mmm, don't flirt with me, because I will show up at your house."

This time, they both laughed. "I was calling to tell you more, so that you may be informed," said Elijah. "About why Tristan brought you to this city to begin with. How much have you heard?"

"Something about a prophecy. But we weren't told what it is, or who said it. I know for certain it wasn't spouted off by anyone I know."

"Did you ever meet Lucien?"

Odile laughed. "Did I ever—? Oh, Lucien... that was a long time ago. But he's fun. In many ways. Maybe I'll use him to make your sister jealous. Continue."

"Why am I not surprised?" said Elijah. "Well... he was in contact with a prophetic witch, who stated that my family would fall within the year, one my family, one by friend, and one by foe. I've seen the visions. Unfortunately, that witch was killed the night of The Strix Gala, after being rescued by Lucien, Niklaus, and my sister Freya from the Davilla Estate, where she was being kept. Tristan claims Lucien did it. But I saw him, and he was... utterly shocked when she faded away in his arms. I do not know what to believe. The only thing I can confirm is that she was poisoned."

"Hmm... The Strix are fond of their poisons. I wouldn't doubt one of them sliced her with one of our fancy rings to make sure she couldn't say much if she were to be rescued. They are rather slow-acting, it could have been hours before she even felt any symptoms. Anything else you need to add?"

"I'll be sending you images and names of people close to our family, that I would like you to keep an eye on. Marcel, you have already met. The others..." a pause, and her phone chimed.

"You are quick, aren't you?" she murmured as she pulled the phone away from her ear to look at the pictures. "Camille O'Connell... Hayley Marshall-Kenner... Jackson Kenner... ooh, that's the wolf boy she married, isn't it?"

"You really dislike wolves, don't you?"

"Do you know why I slept with Lucien?"

"I'm not familiar with the story."

"Well, I was attacked by a pack of wolves on a full moon. Awful thing, really, I still suspect Aya was the one who sent them. He happened to find me, and he healed me, with whatever little serum he has in that briefcase of his. I was... very grateful."

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