Chapter 17

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Odile didn't know what to do.

She could only watch as Kol and Davina worked on the spell to locate Vincent Grifith. She could only bite her nails and stand by for news from Rebekah, who'd rushed off with Elijah and Finn to find their sister.

They'd told her to contact Klaus, so she did. But aside from that, what could be done?

She could only wait.

And it was agonizing. Even more so when they arrived with Finn sporting some sort of wolf bite, that was clearly eating away at him.

Odile had been helpless as he died. Even more so when it came to figuring out what Lucien had become. Had she just been more suspicious, she might have determined it sooner. She could have stopped him, and kept the prophecy from coming true.

Instead, she was just the guilty party.

"There were two vials of serum," reported Freya. "And he only drank one. Maybe it's because the spell will wear off eventually and he'll need another dose?"

Klaus blanched, having returned to heal his brother, only to find that his blood was useless to heal a bite done by a creature who possessed venom from the seven original wolf packs. "Or he made enough for two."

"Crap," whispered Odile. "Aurora. He's going to go try and find her and he won't be able to. He'll realize she's dead and..."

"It'll drive him mad," said Rebekah. "He'll think Nik killed her. Or worse, he'll learn that you did it, and go after you. No matter who he goes after, his bite will kill you."

"Which means no one leaves this bloody house," said Klaus loudly. "The deed will be put in Freya's name in order to keep Lucien from entering again."

"Wait," said Odile. "Shouldn't we try to do something about Tristan, too?"

Elijah raised a brow. "And why would we—?"

"If Lucien made that second dose for Aurora, he's going to want a different partner in crime when he realizes she's unavailable. Who better than Tristan? He hates him, but he knows Tristan will be efficient once he learns that Aurora is dead. If what you say is true about Lucien having the Ancestors on his side, then he'll locate Tristan with ease. He'd easily get them to remove the barrier. If we don't remove Tristan from the equation, we're going to be dealing with two psychopaths with a bite that can kill an Original."

"Odile may be right," said Freya. "Who else can Lucien ally with? I highly doubt he'd choose someone from The Strix."

"The only other option would be any one of Klaus's sirelings who could have some vendetta against him," said Odile. "Thing is, that's going to be harder to determine. If we can deal with Tristan and keep Lucien from using him, then maybe we stand a chance at delaying the use of that second dose so that we can acquire it and have only one beast to deal with."

"We need to start gathering venom," said Hayley. "That should be able to create a cure... right?"

Rebekah pursed her lips. "I would think so. If we could acquire venom the way he did... without the torturous lab of horrors, that is... then perhaps a cure could be made."

Freya laced her fingers together. "That will take time... time that we don't have. Lucien will not hesitate to end you all now that he has the means to. Chances are he covered his tracks well. Locating those wolves will not be a simple task. Especially if they're aware that a vampire used them for their venom. They'll hide much better now than they did before. That is if there are even any pure wolves left. Lucien might have found them all and killed them."

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