Chapter 9

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Odile never intended to fall for her again.

But being in that house with her for a month brought about feelings that she feared to even think about.

She imagined she'd flirt with Rebekah, perhaps a little bit to keep things interesting. She anticipated spending every waking moment writing spells and supervising as Davina tried to learn them.

Instead, she found herself with Rebekah, nearly all the time.

Elijah was occupied with who knows what. Klaus would stay home and make sure Hope and Cami were safe. Hayley came by often, though Jackson apparently wasn't getting along that well with her, because he didn't stop by unless he was bringing something for Hope. Marcel couldn't be there, so Joshua Rosza was, which meant there was actually no need to supervise Davina— she'd already be preoccupied with her friend. Freya sometimes gave her advice, but otherwise, she was busy moving around the city trying to find out how to deactivate the Serratura.

It left Odile and Rebekah more than enough time to get to know each other again.

Rebekah started to wake up earlier just so that she could have breakfast beside Odile, who for some bizarre reason (in Rebekah's eyes) always woke up at the crack of dawn.

The first day that she'd done it, it had been on a whim. Rebekah was exhausted and would have preferred to crawl back under the covers and snooze for another two hours. But she could hear Odile already moving around and humming, and it was distracting. So, she'd gone down and found Odile, with her long hair braided and tucked around her head, dressed in nothing but her underwear and a gigantic button-up, humming as she made herself an omelette.

"Jesus christ," said Odile, flinching when Rebekah suddenly appeared beside her. "I didn't think anyone was going to be awake."

"You didn't do this before," said Rebekah, shocked. "What's with the change?"

"Well, I spent the first few mornings analyzing your family's patterns to figure out how I could do my thing without running into anyone. You all sleep in, so I figured getting up at this time would be better. I didn't think anyone would come down and see me like this."

"Please don't tell me that's Elijah's button-up."

"It is," said Odile teasingly. "I realized that I didn't have clothes, and thought, well, who else in this house shares a similar style to me? I stole pants from Niklaus and shirts from Elijah. Though, Elijah did catch me, and I had to make it up to him, so..."

Rebekah obviously hadn't picked up on the fact that she was joking. Odile noticed how horrified she looked, thinking Elijah and Odile had slept together again. "Rebekah, I'm kidding," said Odile. "Freya got me these. She went to my apartment and retrieved my clothes."

"Bloody hell," said Rebekah. "Don't kid around that way. You nearly gave me a heart attack. How would I ever explain to my brothers that you're the one sneaking through their things?"

"I would never do that, first of all, since you're my hosts. Second of all, I don't know what's in which drawer and I don't want to risk coming across their underwear, because I'll blow my cover by laughing. I've always wondered whether the Original brothers prefer boxers or briefs. I think Niklaus wears thongs."

"What?" said Rebekah, unable to keep herself from scanning down Odile's body as she finished making her omelette and went to sit at the table. "Why on Earth would you think—?"

"Well," said Odile between bites, crossing her legs, "he's got a reputation for being the biggest arse on the planet, so I figured he must have it hanging out all the time."

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