Chapter 14

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There was no ambush.

Which was good, because Odile had been able to tell since the second they set out that Elijah was not fond of being at sea.

Getting the safe's coordinates was easy. Compelling a crew that would use a robot to get the safe was a bit harder, but still doable.

Odile was happy. Elijah's company had been just what she needed. He was quiet enough that she could feel like she was truly alone, even if she wasn't. And in those moments where she actually needed someone to talk to, he was right there, and eager to hear what she had to say.

They parted ways as soon as they docked. Odile thanked him profusely, despite his insistence that it had been no trouble at all.

She took the safe to a witch in Texas, who opened it for her with no problem. After getting her two little boxes with the Cure in them, she returned to the hotel that she'd been staying at, popping open the lid to make sure the doses were in there.

She checked her phone after that, just to see if Rebekah had contacted her while she was away. She hadn't. Odile wasn't sure whether to be disappointed or relieved, because it would mean that she didn't manage to find out what she'd done.

The two Cures were tucked back into their boxes and stuffed safely in Odile's bag, wrapped in a sock so that no one would know what it was. She debated going to speak to Rebekah about them, now that they were in her possession. She decided against it, figuring she'd wait for the tension to diffuse a bit more before she handed Rebekah the key to everything she wanted in life.

Three days later, her phone rang. She'd bolted toward it with a mad hope that it would be Rebekah on the other line. Instead, it was Marcel.

"What's up?" she asked. "Did Aya finally make a formal request for my head on a platter?"

"No. She's up to something else. Hayley just called me to say she found Lucien in an abandoned trailer, almost completely desiccated. Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah were kidnapped while they were trying to find Aurora. Aya is doing the spell today."

Odile paled. "No... she'll probably kill them as soon as they're unlinked!"

"Which is why we gotta stop it, and kill every Strix member we have while we've got the chance."

"So... what do you need me to do?"

"Meet me at the Compound as soon as you can."

She didn't question it. She sped off, arriving and finding that Marcel, Hayley, and Lucien were already there. Lucien was gulping down blood bags, clearly to replenish himself.

"Did you know?" asked Hayley, when she saw Odile. "About Aya's plan?"

"I knew about the de-siring spell, but I had no clue she would be ready to do it this soon. And at such a random time, too." She glanced down at Lucien, who seemed to be waiting for her to acknowledge him. "What?"

"Don't be cross with me, love, I didn't do anything to you," he said. "In fact, I tried to convince Aurora to keep your alliance with the Mikaelsons a secret from her brother. She didn't take it well."

Odile just sighed. "Well, what are we going to do? How are we going to get them out?"

"It's simple," said Hayley. "We storm the Coven house, stop The Strix from completing the de-siring spell. Period."

"Okay," said Marcel, "well, that's easy for you to say. You're not sired by anybody, are you?"

"It's not just about de-siring," said Lucien. "We've got to stop an execution."

The Strix Pirate | Rebekah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now