Chapter 11

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Unfortunately, their problems weren't solved.

After Elijah had compelled some longshoremen to dump the container far into the sea, they'd returned to the Compound, where they found that Aurora was gone. Freya and Vincent had been occupied with the spell, and hadn't realized that someone had come inside to free her. By some miracle, both Cami and Hope were completely okay.

Odile had stayed with them while the Originals went into the Bayou to support Hayley during Jackson's funeral. Their problems weren't close to being over.

"So, Elijah's with Aya trying to find the last of the white oak," recited Odile the next morning once Rebekah was updating her. "Cami is with Hayley, helping her through her trauma. Klaus is watching Hope. Freya is trying to locate Aurora. Which leaves us to do... what, exactly?"

"Train, if you'd like," said Rebekah, removing her jacket to reveal she was wearing a workout top. "Not my usual attire preference, but one can't be picky. Come on, you need to practice. Aya may have pardoned you, but now that she's the leader of The Strix, there's no telling what might happen."

They spent most of that day in the garage, tossing one another around and chatting while they threw punches. At one point, Rebekah had been eager to learn The Strix's signature training move where they climbed onto their opponent's shoulders and snapped their neck with their thighs, which left Odile temporarily dead, thus giving them both a break.

"Has Lucien contacted you?" asked Rebekah once they were relaxing and enjoying some lemonade. "Nik believes he's the only one who would have broken Aurora out."

"We haven't spoken, no. We're not that close, not really. Sleeping together was nice but we're not exactly friends. I could seek him out, if you lot really want to talk to him."

"No, I'd rather you didn't," said Rebekah.

"I'm not on house arrest anymore, am I?"

"Well, no, but... I don't like the idea of you going anywhere near him."

Odile smirked. "Aw, Bex, are you jealous?"

Rebekah turned red. "No I'm not."

"I think you are jealous. I think you hate the idea of me being near him because you know he's seen me completely bare... vulnerable... the sort of thing you want for your eyes only. Admit it, go on."

"I'm not admitting to anything," she muttered lowly.

"Be a good girl and speak up. I can't hear you."

Rebekah's cheeks were only getting more and more crimson. "That's not going to work on me as easily as it may have in the past. Besides, why are we discussing this? We ought to be celebrating your freedom from The Strix!"

Odile hummed. "So you don't like being dominated anymore, is that it?" she asked innocently. "Are you more of a top these days?"

"I— that's completely inappropriate!"

Odile set her lemonade down, leaning closer to her. "Tell me, Bex. Tell me why you don't want me anywhere near Lucien."

Rebekah's hand swiped out, gripping Odile's throat, and squeezing it as she said, "I won't be saying anything."

"Are you into choking?"

Rebekah was surprised she'd even ask her that. "What? Am I into... what?"

"Choking," said Odile, who was working with a rope, forming different types of knots. "Some people like when their partner wraps their hand over their throat. Squeezing a bit on the sides. I've heard it feels marvelous. Elijah was always too much of a gentlemen to try it, so I don't know what it feels like. But many say it's pleasant."

The Strix Pirate | Rebekah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now