Chapter 8

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Odile didn't expect her stay to be long term.

But considering what happened, Rebekah thought it best she stay for at least a month. Internally, the blonde was hoping she'd remain there for much longer.

She'd picked a room on the third floor, overlooking the city. It was simple, and she had nothing to decorate it with, but it would be enough for the time being. She figured she'd spend a few days there while they devised a plan to murder the Trinity.

"Well, well, well, the infamous ex-girlfriend," said Klaus when Rebekah led Odile into his study. "You, I had heard of, Captain Høra. The pirate girl who fancied herself Queen of the Seas."

Odile just stared at him, waving half-heartedly. "I've only heard bad things about you, so... hello."

Klaus laughed. "You wouldn't have heard anything bad if we met back when you were toying with my siblings' hearts. They wouldn't have had a chance to say such foul things if I'd been nearby."

"Somehow, I think I still would have found out every last reason why people dislike you. You're good at painting, though, I am aware of that fact." She gestured to the canvas on the far wall, depicting a scenery of the New Orleans skyline. "That was made by you, I assume? It's nice. You should paint Cami. I don't know what she sees in you, but she really seems to like you, so..."

The hybrid raised his eyebrows, surprised at her bluntness, despite the fact he'd heard quite a bit about Odile in all of Rebekah's rants about her. "Seeing as you will be living under my roof for the foreseeable future, let's set a few ground rules, shall we?" said Klaus. "One, no bloodshed in the house. Two, you're not to be anywhere near my daughter unless myself, one of my siblings, or her mother is there with you. Three, you best not make a habit of eavesdropping and pitching in when it's not asked of you."

Odile held up three fingers, "One, I heard you have a huge stash of blood bags so the bloodshed won't be a problem, especially because I'm lazy about cleaning. Two, I'm sure this rule is going to change when you realize how great I am with kids, but I'll respect it for the time being. And three, all I ask is that you don't keep secrets from me, especially considering I'm like, the only person who still cares to help your family in the midst of all this."

"I can't see why Elijah ever liked you," said Klaus, putting on a pensive face. "You are a downright brat. More fitting for Rebekah, really."

Odile smiled wryly. "Well, let's not forget that when I was with Elijah, I was human. A lot easier to control and a lot less willing to speak my mind." She bowed playfully. "Is that all, Master Klaus, or is there another thing you want to tell me?"

"Don't be stupid and leave this house prematurely. I expect a legion of Strix have been sent to find you, and I will not be risking my neck for you because you refused to follow a direct order."

"Fine, I'll stay here, no leaving. Can I see the baby now? It's kind of what I've been looking forward to."

Rebekah (who was trying to contain a laugh) led her to Hope's room, where Freya was folding and putting away her clothes.

"Oh my god," said Odile, covering her mouth when she saw Hope walking around with two little bean bags, babbling something about throwing them. "She's precious!"

"I didn't think you liked children," said Rebekah honestly as Odile knelt down, offering her hand to Hope, who gave her one of the bean bags.

"The calm ones are alright," said Odile. "It's when they're throwing tantrums as teenagers that I get annoyed."

"You must be Odile," said the eldest sister, ceasing her folding and extending her hand. "I'm Freya."

"Nice to meet you," said Odile, winking at her playfully before lowering herself completely to the ground. "Aw... hi Hope. You are just the sweetest little thing, aren't you?"

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