Chapter 5

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Camille was not home.

Odile couldn't get inside, which was a major bummer. There wasn't a way of looking through her belongings to see where she might be now. She hummed to herself, thinking about what she ought to do, before going to Rousseau's, where Camille worked. Surely someone working at the moment would know something.

Her coworkers didn't want to disclose any of Camille's personal details (good for them, being such protective friends), but Odile was easily able to compel a name out of them. Vincent Griffith. An apparent friend of Camille's, and, as Odile had heard Tristan say many times, the Tremé witch whose body had been invaded by Finn Mikaelson.

Vincent jumped nearly a mile when she tapped his shoulder.

"I don't do business with vampires," he said sharply when he turned and saw her there.

"Good thing I'm not selling cookies," said Odile. "I just need to know if you've heard from Camille O'Connell. She wasn't at her house and she wasn't at work."

"Don't know who you're talking about."

Odile rolled her eyes. "Oh, you are all so cute with your little friend code. Really, it's touching to know how humanity has evolved since my time. But it's rather important. I need information on an artifact, and I'm told she's the gal to go to."

"Can't help you," said Vincent dismissively. "Camille hasn't been in touch with me all day."

"Have any idea where she might be? If it makes you feel any better, I have no interest in killing her. She's too cute to die, and I don't want Niklaus Mikaelson tearing a chunk out of my aorta, so let's just skip the hostility and jump to the part where you tell me where I can find the woman I'm supposed to be protecting? Elijah asked me to keep her safe, and now, she's nowhere to be found."

Vincent sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly as if he had heard of Odile being tasked with keeping Cami safe. "She got arrested last night. Try checking the police station. They didn't tell me anything useful, but considering your kind's tendency to get into people's heads, I can't imagine it'll be hard for you to find out more than I could."

Odile hummed. "Alright. Now, why was she arrested?"

"If you find out, I'd love to know. There isn't any cause in my opinion."

"And who cuffed her? Who took her to the station?"

"Guy by the name of Will Kinney. But don't hurt him... he's a friend."

"And where can I find this other friend of yours?"

"Don't know, haven't been able to contact him, either."

"And you don't find that strange?"

Vincent held his hands up. "The man's an officer, he doesn't reply much during working hours. As for Cami, well, I don't think they let her keep her phone if she's in a cell. I ain't got the money to bail her out, so..."

"Well, you've told me all you know," said Odile. "I'll find her. Thanks."

She made her way to the police station, and easily got access to the holding cells. Cami wasn't in any of them. In fact, there was no record of her even being brought in.

She'd compelled the officers to show her the cameras in the past twelve hours. There, she found something interesting. Lucien, knocking Will Kinney out, then Camille, and taking them both in his arms.

"So, they don't have the weapon," she said, on call with Elijah once she was updating him on everything on her way to Lucien's penthouse apartment. "It's the only reason Lucien would want Cami— if he still needs help finding it. As for Detective Kinney, well, I suppose that's motivation for her."

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