Chapter 4

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Lucien and Tristan were indeed working together.

"Those rats," said Odile coldly. "Ugh. Of course. I should have known it. Why else would Tristan be so secretive, unless he was branching out of the organization? What will we do about it?"

"For now... nothing," replied Elijah. "Niklaus and I came to a compromise after destroying the courtyard. We seek to expose and destroy our first sired. One way or another, we will accomplish it. Has Aurora contacted you?"

"No. I don't think she's contacted Tristan, either, or he would have told me. She's hiding. Unfortunately, her hiding places around the world are better than mine. I don't think I'll be able to locate her, but I can try."

"Please do. And if she approaches you—"

"Yes, yes, I know. Tell you as soon as I can. I'm not new to this world, Elijah, I know how things work."

He chuckled. "Forgive me for assuming you needed a reminder."

"You're forgiven, if that really matters to you. I should get going now. I've got a sparring session with two of the inner circle Strix members."

"Which ones?"

"I won't know until I arrive. I hope it's not Fukuda and Howard, though. They never follow the rules."

Her training session proved to be boring. She was placed with Pacheco and Holt, two of the male vampires who thought far too highly of themselves. They were both younger than her, and always tended to underestimate her. It ended with their necks being snapped, and Tristan coming up to congratulate her.

"My sister, apparently, is in this city," he said, coming up to Odile as she wiped her brow and started to fasten her button-up. "Has she spoken to you?"

"Nope," said Odile, which was the truth. "Aurora is like an older sister to me. Well, at least, she sees herself that way. I'm surprised she didn't show up at my apartment."

"Just as I am surprised that you didn't arrive at Lucien's."

"Why, were you there last night?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I know that you two saw each other."

"I caught him mutilating someone. Put a stop to it because I thought it'd be bad for business. He tells me, however, that it was your idea."

Tristan sighed. "I didn't wish for you to be aware. I hoped to keep you relaxed, in these troubling times."

"I'm not a child, Tristan. I wasn't even a child when we met. You don't have to push me aside simply because my sire is different and you think it's your duty to handle it. I want to be given work to do. Why are you even seeing Lucien, anyway?"

Tristan pursed his lips. "He's aiding me with something. It's nothing to be concerned about."

Odile crossed her arms. "And you're still going to be secretive? Is this all a ploy to get me to leave? Do you not wish for me to be around?"

"I simply believe we need you available for other tasks, as they arise. Currently, everything is being handled."

"You say that, yet don't say to any of us what 'everything' consists of."

"It's dangerous for too many people to know. Just know that I will keep us all safe. You can trust me."

"I don't trust you, Tristan. Not if you're going to be hiding things from all of us."

"Why don't you take some time to relax?" suggested Tristan. "Perhaps you're overdue for another voyage."

"As much as I find solace in being at sea, I'm not going anywhere. Big things are happening in this city, and I don't intend to leave it anytime soon. If you keep pushing me aside, I'll have to start asking Lucien the questions you're dodging. You know he'll tell me."

The Strix Pirate | Rebekah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now