Chapter 7

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Elijah had heard everything.

He was standing in the doorway, observing Odile tucking her phone away and clearing her throat, trying to contain the grin that kept trying to pop up all over again.

"I take it things went well here?" he asked, nodding knowingly toward Cami.

"They were good," said Cami. "Odile kept me safe."

"And Cami kept me sane," replied the vampire. "I best be going. I need to make myself known to The Strix after Marcel calls."

She started to leave, but Elijah caught her arm, having her turn around to face him.

"Thank you," he told her. "For protecting Camille."

"You're welcome," she said simply. "And thank you, Cami, for letting me talk to you."

"Of course," said the blonde gently. "Anytime."

Odile looked at Elijah, not sure if his stare consisted of jealousy mingled with gratitude, or he was genuinely just happy to hear that she and Rebekah were going to rekindle their relationship. She hoped it was the latter. After all, he was completely in love with Hayley, from what she could see.

Leaving the Serratura behind with them, Odile sped off, not stopping until she reached Texas, where she went into a random bar to accept Marcel's call.

"What do you want?" she asked, making sure to slurp from her drink. "Let me guess, Tristan didn't like that I decided I want to take a few weeks off and now he wants you to hound me."

"I wanted to ask you for a favor, actually. Do you know of a witch named Davina Claire?"

"Yes. The Regent of the Nine Covens of New Orleans. The Harvest girl that's like a daughter to you. What about her?"

"Well... she lost her temper and did something pretty bad. It got her shunned, and I don't think she's gonna be safe, living on her own. Aya told me that the best thing for her might be to give her a new Coven. One I'm closer to if I really want to keep an eye on her."

Pretty quickly, Odile figured what must have happened. Marcel or someone else had taken matters into their own hands, exposing whatever awful thing Davina did to make sure The Strix couldn't use her to activate the Serratura. Now, the young girl's life was ruined unless Odile did something about it.

"And because I'm close with the witches, you want me to open a spot for her in The Strix Coven, right?" said Odile.

"If you could, that would be great."

"And what makes you think she wants that? I've heard French Quarter witches are abusive. If I were her, I'd be celebrating."

"She can't do much magic now. She'll want it, trust me. Can you do it, or not?"

"I could. It will take time, however. I must discuss it with the other witches first. With Tristan and Aya, as they are our leaders. I'd need to find out Davina's true motivations for accepting, if she is inclined to do so. You think that because you offer me a new witch, I will come waltzing back into the city after Tristan refused to tell me anything important?"

"I think, that because a young girl needs you to mentor her, you'll take it upon yourself to make sure she learns right. From someone who really knows."

Odile huffed. "Well, I did get bored these first... however many hours I've been drinking and dancing. If Tristan can agree to tell me everything he's been planning, then I'll be happy to return. I don't want to be the girl sent on errands constantly while being in the dark about what they're truly for."

The Strix Pirate | Rebekah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now