Chapter 12

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Elijah was mostly successful.

Which was a good thing, because otherwise, Odile and Rebekah probably would have felt a little guilty that they spent the entire day in bed with each other, enjoying their time while he was struggling.

"But you're not the leader of The Strix," said Odile when they met that night to discuss the change of command. "So how is this a win?"

"I spoke to Marcel," said Elijah, "and I realized... we had an opening to prove something. While Aya believed she could best me with a mere contest of strength, Marcel was able to overtake us both with his cunning. It ensured The Strix would be more open to accepting you back into their ranks. Marcel pardoned you, and wishes for you to oversee the witches so that you may continue to mentor Davina."

"That's a relief," said Odile. "I bet Aya's having to force herself not to kill me."

"You are scheduled to meet with her and Marcel tomorrow. If you are willing, I could escort you—"

"I don't need to be escorted. You and your siblings need to stay here where no one can hurt you. I've no fear of meeting Aurora out in the street. Promise me you'll remain here and protect Rebekah. Please."

Elijah nodded. "I will always protect my sister. You needn't ask it of me."

"Just making sure, you know."

He caught her arm before she could walk away. "Please," he said quietly, "don't break her heart. She wouldn't be able to handle it."

"I'm not going to break her heart," Odile promised. "I love her, Elijah. I always have." She frowned. "What's bothering you? That sad look combined with that plea can't be only because of how I hurt you."

"It's Hayley," said Elijah. "I feel as though things between us will never be the same."

"The truth is, they won't be the same. She loved you. And then she became a hybrid, and you became judgmental. Still, she couldn't shake her feelings, and had a short and unhappy marriage because her husband knew, the entire time, that she felt more for you than she did for him. Now he's gone, and it would fill her with immense guilt if she just leapt into your arms immediately afterward. Give her time."

"Very well," he whispered. "I will."

Odile put her hand on his cheek. "She'd be a fool to let you go, Elijah. Just be patient. She needs space to grieve. But it doesn't mean her love for you is gone. If it never dissipated, even when he was alive, how would it leave just because he's dead?"

The following morning, she went to the Davilla Estate, finding Aya with Marcel, already waiting for her.

"Sure feels good to be back," said Odile, even though she found no joy in being under the same roof as Aya. "Now, where are my witches?"

"They are not your witches," said Aya a bit sharply. "The Coven serves the entire Strix order."

Odile cast her a cheeky smile, patting her shoulder. "They're my witches, Aya, because I get them all the nice things they could ever need. You just look over their shoulder even though it makes them uncomfortable."

"Let's play nice, alright?" said Marcel, not eager to have them fight in front of him. Even though he was the leader, he was nowhere near as strong as them, and wouldn't be able to pull them apart. "How about we discuss how we're going to run this, seeing as we're top three in the chain of command? I'm no stranger to being in charge, I've been doing it here for a long while, give or take an intermission or two. First thing I'd like to do is make sure I know who's on my side."

"The problem," began Aya, "as I see it, is simple. The Strix are comprised of one sireline, aside from Odile. And now, we are to be led by a vampire from another... whose sire isn't even the same as hers." She nodded toward the other vampire. "Regardless of the distinction, all our lives are bound to those who made us. And should this prophecy come to pass, we will all perish. As leader, how would you navigate that threat?"

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