Chapter 16

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They didn't get to go and see Lucien.

Marcel had contacted them early the next morning, warning them to stay inside. Apparently, a vampire had managed to locate the white oak, and was auctioning it off. He, Josh Rosza, and Vincent Griffith were going to try and retrieve it for them, which meant they could only stay inside and hope for the best.

"I should be out there," complained Odile when Rebekah insisted she stay with her. "If I can't see Lucien alone, then I should help them get the white oak. How are two young vampires and a witch who hates our species going to get that bullet from the auction? It makes no sense. Marcel refuses to send me the link so that I can bid something."

Rebekah sighed and raised a brow. "Tell me, Odile, what do you even have to bid?"

"Well I could pretend I'll give them a copy of the Cure and then just kill whoever comes to get it from me. I take the white oak and keep the Cure, no problem. Whoever's in charge of this auction can't possibly be older than me. Lucien and I are the only ones left who were turned before the year 1102. I knew every vampire from prior to that and they've all died for one reason or another."

"It'd be too risky, Odile, you'd be outing the fact that you have the Cure in your possession."

"Truth be told, I'm pretty sure that Aya must have told someone by now. Someone out there knows and is maybe spreading rumors about it."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Rebekah sat up, hearing something outside. "I believe Kol's back. Come along, so that you can meet him."

Odile followed behind her, hoping to make a good impression. She wanted the majority of Rebekah's siblings to like her. After all, she was here to stay, and that wouldn't go down too well if they hated her.

"Kol," said Rebekah brightly, his agitation initially unnoticed by her. "This is Odile, my girlfriend."

The man had to maintain his composure as he extended his hand to her. "It's good to meet you," he said hastily, before quickly changing his demeanor entirely to address Elijah. "I know what I saw, and I'm telling you, Finn is alive."

"He's what?" Rebekah shrieked.

"Are you quite sure?" asked Elijah.

Kol nodded. "I saw him with my own eyes. Finn must have come back when Davina resurrected me. The spell was tied to the blood of the Mikaelson line. Either it worked on him, or he found a way to hijack it. Either way, the only 'how' I care about right now is how long I'm going to make him suffer before I kill him."

Elijah held his hand up. "Restraint, brother. For now."

Kol scoffed. "Why? Finn is clearly the one spreading rumors about missing white oak. He's luring Nik and Bex's enemies out of the woodwork. It's all part of his tedious revenge fantasy."

"You're wrong," said Freya as she entered the room. "Those rumors began before either of you returned. Finn's innocent."

"Innocent?" asked Kol incredulously. "Pardon me, love, but Finn tried to kill the rest of us more than once! He's an enemy of our family."

"He is our family," Freya corrected. "Finn's return is an opportunity to mend old wounds and fix what's broken."

Odile could tell that Kol was growing angry very quickly. "He didn't just drop a bloody vase! He murdered me!"

Elijah, however, seemed more interested in Freya's opinion. "You seem certain..."

"Elijah," said Rebekah sharply, seeing it as disrespectful that he'd brush off Kol's feelings to quickly. "If Finn is alive, he cannot be trusted."

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