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Odile learned that it'd been twelve years since her death.

Rebekah had been awoken briefly, when Marcel had gathered a giant group of Klaus's sirelings to bring about the fall of the Mikaelsons following their failure to resurrect Davina, who'd died as a result of the Ancestors bestowing Kol with uncontrollable hunger.

The Original had been distraught. But she'd stood bravely beside her brother until she was brought into the Chambre de Chasse that kept her, Elijah, Kol, and Freya alive while Klaus was trapped in the dungeons of the Compound.

Rebekah had fallen by foe. Elijah, by friend, when Marcel bit him. Klaus fell by family when he became the anchor that kept them from losing their lives.

They'd been reunited briefly five years after that, when a new threat arose. The Hollow had resurrected Davina to sway Kol in her favor. It had given Rebekah an idea of what to do next.

It had taken seven years, but with the help of the Strix Sisters, who'd always liked Odile most, she'd been able to harness the spirit's power to bring her love back, and simultaneously save her niece's life.

Odile and Rebekah had moved to Virginia, near enough to Mystic Falls where they could keep an eye on Hope, who was attending a Boarding School for supernaturals. It allowed them to speak to Damon Salvatore, Stefan's brother, and the one who carried the third dose of the Cure in his bloodstream. The two women would have to wait several decades to get it from him, but once they did, they'd be granted the ability to be human, with an extra dose to spare in case anyone else that they knew wanted to stop being immortal.

It had been there that they found Sebastian. Odile had gotten a feeling, something she couldn't explain. She'd ventured through the Salvatore School until she found him, having been desiccated since the year 1590.

Sebastian was glad to meet Rebekah, who he'd heard a lot about from Odile. He'd stared at his feet, feeling ashamed when he told Odile that he felt that he'd disappointed her. Vampirism hadn't been what he wanted. It had only brought out the worst parts of him.

So they made a pact. When it came time for Damon Salvatore to die, the three of them would take the Cure together.

And when that day came, they would be happier than they'd ever been as vampires.

A/N: Keep reading for the Final Author's Note!

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