Final Author's Note

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Short and sweet. I didn't want this story to be full of angst like my other ones because I just feel like Rebekah deserves so much good in her life.

I love Marbekah but Marcel never loved her as much as he loved his city and his power. I think she deserved better. To be honest, I liked Mattbekah, but I know Matt would never have really set aside his opinions, considering Rebekah would have stayed a vampire in his lifetime.

Odile shared Rebekah's dream, and I think that's what she needed. Someone who would wholeheartedly support her, abandoning immortality for family and a beautiful mortal life.

I hope you liked it. I know it was a little different than my other stories in the sense it was too short, and it might have even been boring because of it. But I don't mind. I like Odile, and I like what I put out for this fic.

I enjoyed writing this, and am even more excited to move on to my next story, which has been in the works for quite awhile (almost a year already).

If you'd like to read my next story (Klaus Mikaelson x OC), check out 'Savior' on my profile!

Mischief Managed,

Sprinting Fox

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