Chapter 18

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Odile had nowhere to go.

Lucien wouldn't allow her to speed off in any direction. He was almost taunting her, bouncing on the balls of his feet, wondering where she'd take off to.

"I just wish to speak with you," said Lucien, rushing forward and grabbing her by the back of her neck, dragging her back to the building. "You're going to pay for that window."

"If you're going to kill me, do it already," Odile snapped.

"Oh, no, I don't wish to kill you yet, love. You still have a chance to switch sides. I'm granting you that opportunity. You'd be smart to take advantage of it."

Odile just stared at him. Lucien paid no heed. He pulled her into the elevator, humming the entire ride up to the penthouse.

Once in there, he grabbed the cursed stake out of her hand, simultaneously removing her daylight ring. Odile gave a yelp as she started to burn, and quickly sped to a dark corner of the room, far from the door.

"Good girl," said Lucien. "I need you sitting still. Don't worry, you'll get this back." He held up the daylight ring before tucking it into his pocket. "Now, who's your emergency contact? Let's see... Rebekah."

"No!" cried Odile. "Please don't hurt her, please!"

"Oh, I have to," said Lucien with fake sympathy. "You see, she and Elijah disobeyed my rules, bringing Freya and The Strix. Unfortunately, they got away, and it seems you rescued Nik. No matter. I'll have hurt one of the Mikaelsons by the end of the day. In fact... it'll be all your fault."

"What do you want from me?" demanded Odile. "Do you want me to say I switch sides so that you can rub it in her face when she arrives? And if I refuse, will you bite her?"

Lucien smirked. "Something like that. I actually think you have great villain potential, love. So cold and unfeeling... and your backstory, oh, it would make a perfect villain origin story if someone were to give you the spotlight. Come on, what have the Mikaelsons done for you to make you so blindly loyal, from the start?"

"They're my family."

"You can't honestly believe that. Nik despises you. Elijah will never admit it, but he has never been comfortable around you ever since you cheated on him. Freya is still wary of everyone. And Kol, well Kol just met you, he can't like you that much. Rebekah may love you, but the others care nothing for you. They're not your family."

"Yes they are," Odile insisted. "They're my family. I care about them. And I don't want you to hurt them."

Lucien ignored her, dialing Rebekah's number. "Odile!" came the blonde's voice. "Where are you?"

"With me," said Lucien brightly. "She'll remain alive, for now. You better come alone this time, Rebekah. Otherwise, I'll make sure Odile is dead before you even arrive."

He hung up, tapping his foot against one of the dead bodies on the floor. "Did you have to kill all my little minions? They were having a party, torturing Nik."

"He may hate me, but he's my family," Odile insisted. "I would never have left him to suffer at your hand."

Lucien hummed, holding up the cursed stake. "Now, what is this thing? Why didn't you use it?"

"It honestly wasn't necessary," said Odile. "I can kill just fine without it."

"Ah, so it was just in case I arrived. You know, I actually think I recognize this curious little trinket. I believe Aya may have mentioned it. It can take down an Original. We should test that theory, shouldn't we?"

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