Chapter 15

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Klaus was nervous.

Rebekah was, too, of course. She'd be a fool to get too comfortable, knowing that her sirelings could now come after her if they had scores to settle. However, despite her bitchiness, it wouldn't compare to the atrocities Klaus had committed, which meant she was more nervous about who might come after him, than who might confront her.

"We ought to leave this bed," murmured Rebekah as Odile traced her fingers over her back. "I'm certain that rustling out in the hallway is Nik being paranoid again."

"I'd rather keep you here next to me," said Odile, kissing the top of her head. "You're safer here. It's only day three of you and Klaus having to stay inside until we hear the 'all clear.' I can make it better if you wish."

Rebekah sighed, shivering as Odile began to move her lips down her body. "As wonderful as that would be, I really ought to do something other than stay here all day..."

"Stay with me," whispered Odile. "Relax, let me take care of you..."

The blonde let out a breathy moan, watching as Odile disappeared under the covers. "Well, when you ask it of me while doing that, how can I resist?"

There was a knock at the door. "Hey," came Hayley's voice. "Klaus needs you, Rebekah. And I have something to ask you, Odile."

The two women had to keep from groaning as they pulled away from one another.

"You have very awful timing, pup," said Odile when she opened the door once Rebekah was dressed. She pecked the blonde's lips before she darted off. "But what is it?"

"I need names," she said. "Every Strix vampire that's left. Especially any who were there when Tristan killed Jackson."

Immediately, Odile became more serious. "I think I might know who exactly was involved. Any surviving members of the inner circle will have been there." She moved to her nightstand, getting some pen and paper and starting to write. "I assume you're taking it upon yourself to go after them?"

"Yes. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone."

"I won't say a word. But are you quite certain you can do this without backup? If you need an extra set of hands—"

"I can do it alone," said Hayley. "I don't need a babysitter."

"I wouldn't be babysitting you, you know, just helping you subdue them. You may be strong but the people on this list have centuries of experience over you. They won't succumb to wolf venom very easily. You can't rely on that alone."

Hayley took the list as soon as Odile offered it to her. "I'll be fine. Don't worry. Thanks for this."

She nodded at the hybrid, watching her go. Odile figured that she might as well do something productive, too. She could probably do with cleaning her room. Maybe stop by her old hotel room to fetch a few other things she could need.

She decided to go and check on Cami. The blonde was on her way to Rousseau's for her next shift, and she seemed happy to see Odile.

"Hey," she said, letting out a shaky sigh as if relieved that it was Odile and not someone else.

"You're on edge," the vampire noticed. "What's got you all nervous?"

"It's nothing," said Cami. "What um, what brings you out of the house? Klaus made it seem like no one was allowed out until it was determined whether his sirelings and Rebekah's are going to pose a threat or not."

"Just wanted to see what there is to do. I'm sure there's an errand or something I can run. Niklaus needed Rebekah's help for something, so I was left alone."

The Strix Pirate | Rebekah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now