Chapter 10

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They each went to bed that night smiling like idiots.

It was ridiculous, really. Childish to an extent. It was a singular kiss that they'd both pulled away from before quickly retreating to their rooms. There hadn't been any extra touching. A quick peck, and that was all.

And still, both lay in their beds, fingers running over their lips, which still tingled from the contact they'd made.

"Good morning," said Rebekah when she saw Odile come downstairs with her new boots. "I hope they're comfortable."

"They are," confirmed Odile, finding that Rebekah was wearing the necklace she gave her, along with her Mikaelson pendant. She beamed. "I was thinking, since I'm still on house arrest and I'm getting weaker by the day, we could do a sparring session or something? There has to be a room where we could just train for a bit and punch a few bags."

Rebekah slid her tongue over her lower lip. "And you're sure you want to do this just to train? Not... for any other reason."

"Oh, you caught me," said Odile, pretending she was completely serious. "I want to give you an opening to see if I can pin you down the way I used to."

Rebekah's heart skipped a beat, but she maintained an air of confidence as she said, "Maybe I'll be the one pinning you down instead."

"I'd like to see you try."

"What are we?"

Odile faltered. "I... I'm not sure. What do you wish for us to be? Girlfriends?"

"I'd be happy with us being girlfriends."

"Alright, then we're girlfriends. What about the sparring session thought—?"

"We can do that," said Rebekah. "I haven't practiced that way in a very long time, but..."

This came as a shock for the younger vampire. "You should be doing it as often as possible," she said seriously. "You're an Original, and you've got more strength than others, but that doesn't make you truly invincible. You've got to keep up with the training, you've got to practice and put in effort every single day so that you can remain the best of the best. You were the first one to be turned into a vampire out of all of your siblings. You should be the strongest aside from Niklaus."

"Then how about you train me today?" offered Rebekah. "It'll give you a chance to practice, and—"

"I'm afraid that's not an option."

They looked up as Klaus and Elijah entered the room. "You two are up early," noticed Rebekah.

"There is much to discuss, little sister," said Klaus. "We must recover the Serratura."

"And Freya's pendant," said Elijah. "She realized last night that the one she arrived with after Jackson found her was a decoy. The Strix took the real pendant and replaced it."

"Hold on," said Rebekah worriedly, "doesn't that mean Finn's soul is in Tristan's hand?"

"I say we let that imbecile stay lost," said Klaus sharply. "His murderous essence is of no concern to us. Our business for today is to finish off the de Martels."

Elijah held up his hand. "I fear it may not be so simple. Think, brother, Tristan needs the most powerful witch in the city to activate that weapon. A Regent."

Odile figured it out first. "Didn't you say that Vincent Griffith got into power so that the other witch kid couldn't? And wasn't he once possessed by your brother, Finn?"

Elijah nodded. "We must stop him. I will go to the Lafayette Cemetery to retrieve Vincent. The rest of you... we need some sort of leverage. A bargaining chip that Tristan wants more than the Serratura, so that he may give it to us if we ask for it."

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