Chapter 11

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Velvet's POV

"Reinz, damn it! You crazy bastard!" I shouted, holding onto his foot as he dangled over the edge of the hospital building. "Somebody, help!"

"She's dead, Velv! Let me go." Reinz begged as my grip was slipping. This is not good! "Let me go!"

"NEVER!" I screamed as I tittered over the edge, still hanging onto him. Heights. I hate heights, especially when I'm hanging onto the edge of a building. Chance of somebody coming: very little. Very, very little.

Suddenly a hand grasped my arm, pulling me back onto the roof. Another set grabbed took hold of Reinz pulling him up as well. Richard! "You take awhile, Armitage." I breathed, rolling into my back. Dad was besides me, breathing heavily. The two of them pulled us up. Thank goodness.

"She's not-" Richard took a deep breath, the adrenaline clearly in his system. "She's not brain dead. It was a false result."

I panted, rolling onto my hands and knees before standing up. Towering over my friend, "Next time, don't assume." He nodded, tears running down his cheeks.

I gave him a hug, patting his back. He took hold of me, sobbing.


Pain. Lots of pain. I groaned, "What the hell?" Where am I? Most importantly, who am I?

"Q, thank goodness!" A man with a light and soft tone voice came into my view. "You're awake! This is good."

I brought a hand up to my face. "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

The man's facial expression went from happy to despair in seconds. He visibly paled. "Q, don't you remember me?"

"This is to be expected." Another voice, a female's. "You're lucky she isn't brain dead, but a head trauma was bound to have some consequences. No brain damage, but she does have a case of amnesia." Her shoulder length hair was white. A silver white. "Hello, my name is Velvet Ramsey, I'm your best friend. We grew up together at an orphanage. Your name is Quantum Fassbender. You go by the nickname of Q." She pointed to the man next to me. "His name is Michael Fassbender, your adopted father."

I lost my memories? No way. "How can I tell that you're telling the truth?" I asked.

"My name is Reinz Armitage," A teen around the same age as Velvet stood up. "I believe," his voice cracked, "I can provide the information you need." He looks as if he has been crying. Poor guy.

Adopted by Michael Fassbender (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now