Chapter 4

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For weeks, I had been slowly recovering from my torn MCL. Dad had been upset with what happened but I remedied that with 'at least I'm still alive'.

Relieved of my crutches but still wearing my brace, dad and I had been returning from the store when a pair of two oddly dress men approached us. They were wearing matching grey sweat shirts and pants, but there were these red and pink capes coming out from the bottom of the shirt, almost reaching their sandaled feet.

I glanced at Dad and back at the two men, and continued walking away with the groceries. Another typical day.

He came back almost an hour later, re-telling what had occurred between the three of them. Apparently, they had been filming a parody of 300, and thought it would be cool if he played a part in it.

In the next morning, dad left early to pick up a friend at the airport, and here I was- reading Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Again.

Not that I mind of course, but I just wished I was reading the Resident Evil novel series by S.D. Perry. They were my favorite to read whenever I had nothing else to do. They are a decent book series, but if only they weren't so hard to acquire.

Hearing the door open, I looked up from my novel and saw the goofy looking grin on my dad's face. Behind him, James McAvoy waved at me. "Hey, Q, how's your leg doin'?"

"Fine, might take the brace off next week." I yawned, stretching the upper half of my body out. "How did filming go?"

He sat across from me, tossing his jacket over the backing of the chair, "Just finished it. Premiere's going to be in a couple of months or so. You should come."

I shrugged my shoulders as I readjusted in my seat, "Maybe, but it's up to dad really."

"Zelie, you're definitely going." Michael stated as he gave me a steaming cup of hot chocolate as he gave James his tea. He plopped down beside me, making odd looks at James I went on to sip my drink.

Michael raised his eyebrows, sort of jerking his head in my directions. James responded through narrowed eyes and tries to shake his head in a discreet manner. Meanwhile, I sat in silence, waiting for one of them to speak.

"Okay, fine. I will ask her." James looked at me and asked. "Can you help train me before I enter into Soccer Aid?"

"Do you guys not train before The Soccer Aid event?" I propped my leg on the ottoman, slightly sinking into my seat. "I mean, I don't mind at all really."

The next day, all three of us went to the local park and watched the extent of James skills. Michael offered encouragement while I coached.

"Kick with the side of your foot, not with your toes!" I sternly advised. Walking over, I demonstrated it with my good leg. "You're gonna hurt both yourself and someone else kicking it like that."

Adopted by Michael Fassbender (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now