Chapter 21

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"Well, so much for the element of surprise!" I smiled, slowly closing the door. "Can I try that again? But only this time, you all fall onto the floor when I enter with all my glory."

"Kill her." Luna ordered, motioning her gun towards me.

I cursed. What would Velv do? Use the elements around her. The door!

I kicked the door, watching it slam right into the guy going for me.

Analyze your opponents! Right, so five guys, counting the one that just got there head bashed in by the door. Maybe four, he doesn't look like he's getting up anytime soon. Wait, should I be counting Luna? Then five... I think. 

Anticipate their movements. Or I can completely wing it, and hope it tuns out for the best. Unsheathing the knife, I took a deep breath. Two approaching me from the front, one coming from the back. Crap, I knew I miss one when I was coming up here. Improvise!

The two lunged at me. I yelped, jumped right into the one behind. He hooked his arms under my own, restricting me from going anywhere. I can use this. The two men lunged at me again. I grunted, pushing them back with my legs as I kicked them up. The man holding me up, shouted, falling backwards. His body provided a stiff cushion for my landing, which made him grunt as he probably got the wind knocked out of him. I can't tell if I should be insulted by the fact he lost wind because of my body, or proud that I actually did that and not colossally fail. But, moving on!

I elbowed his face a couple times, making sure he was knocked out for sure. Then I stood up. Is there anything I can use as a weapon besides the knife. That metal bar over to my left should do the trick. I can use it like a bat since it seems to be around that size.

"Batter up!" I shouted, smacking the one of the right. He slammed right into the wall. Now for the other one.

I hit the bar against his chest, sending him over the railing. "Oh," I winced with as his body landed with a loud thud. He should still be alive, it doesn't appear that falling at this height would kill him, "sorry!" I feel kind of bad now. "You know, this wouldn't have happened if you stayed home. See the benefits of staying home?" The man groaned in response. "I know, I wish I stayed home too."

The door swung open and this guy that was probably about 6'7" stepped out. This guy kind of reminds me of Clay. The big lug was like a giant teddy bear. I could go for a hug right now. But, I bet, like Clay, his ultimate weak spot: the head. Not the nuts, his head.

"Excuse me, do you mind staying still for just a moment. I want to try something really quick. Won't even take a moment, I promise." As a small-ish test, I slammed the bar right on top of his head. He fell like a brick. Oh, yeah, definitely the head. On the bright side, that's four down, and two more since I miss counted my opponents to go.

Opening the door, I twirled the bar. "So, shall we get on with discussing of the business of kidnapping me? I'm quite hungry and would like to settle this in a quick fashion." I gave a small wave to my dad. "Hey, dad."

"Hi, Q." He replied shakily, furrowing his eyebrows at the casual greeting. This must be really awkward for him. It would be awkward for me to, but I'm not the one tied to a chair.

Luna cocked her gun and signaled man, I think that's actually a woman, to stand down. Next, she pointed her gun at me. "I've always hated you. Ever since I first saw you."

"I know, I hate you too." I said with a slight smirk, focusing on the woman next to her. Please, let me be right for once. Please.


Adopted by Michael Fassbender (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now