Chapter 2

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Published: October 13
Revised: March 18

His house was admittedly comfortable. It offered a nice at home feel, and I was relieved to be in some place warm tonight. Winston had a nice place and all, but the cold air was just killing me. I swore I become hypothermia had I stayed another night.

Michael carried my suitcase in, setting it down by the couch. He turns grin at me, "Welcome to my humbled abode." He gestures with his arms outstretched. "Come on, I'll give you a tour."

Overall, it was a reasonable size for a small family of two. The kitchen was decent- room to cook but you could barely move around with two or more people. The living room was more sparse but it offered room for a small party.

When we went upstairs, I made sure to grab my suitcase.

Michael offered to take it but I politely declined. It's not really heavy nor is it really filled to the brim with clothes... Or any personal possessions.

He led me to my room, but never stepped into it.

My bedroom had little to nothing.

The walls were white, reflecting the light just a bit too much. The bunk bed, although had covers, wasn't really colorful either. A baby blue dresser sitting by the window which lacked curtains.

"I left it...barren so you could have the chance to decorate it. Didn't know what you would have preferred so I thought I would leave it to you, Zelie." He gauged my reaction, a small smile gracing his features when I went to hug him.

I didn't know what to say, but I thanked him. Had I really thought about it, I would have said more, but the difference between my mind and mouth are quite different.

"Thank you. This is great. Honest." I assured him once I let go. "It's considerate of you. Really, thank you."

He nodded, not sure where to go on from here. He then said, "If you'd like, we can start buying furniture for your room this afternoon; I'd imagine you'd like some privacy."

So, after a short walk to the shops, we came back with bags upon bags slung onto our poor arms. We got curtains for the room and paint to finally add some color. Some bags contained regular bathroom necessities while others had some silly knick knacks for the both of us.

Shortly after 6 o'clock, the doorbell rang and Michael went answer it. A group of people have seemed to gather around the door. They, family and friends both local and famous, filed in. One by one they congratulated Michael and welcomed me.

It was overwhelming.

To the point where I may have gone brain-dead and drooled onto the floor. I discreetly brush the corners of my lips.

"You look a little pale, Zelie. Are you okay?" Michael's mother questioned.

A gentle hand came to rest on my shoulder

It took a moment, but I answered with a shake of my head. "Sorry, I'm still getting use to... A lot of things- well, actually, everything." I have myself a moment to breathe before opening my mouth to speak coherent responses. I had plenty to say, but all I spoke was, "It's quite a bit to take in really."

I could've said something better than that.

"Not to worry, once you've adjusted, all of this will be easier to handle. Took me quite awhile myself." The elderly woman handed me a plate of ice cream cake with quite a bit of whip cream on the top. "Here, have some sugar, you'll be bouncing in and about in no time at all."

Adopted by Michael Fassbender (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now