Chapter 9

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Everyone hates Mondays.

There's just something about Monday's that just makes me want to bang my head against the wall.

But it's okay, there's only two weeks left until the holidays, which is my only motivation for getting up.

Walking into the school grounds I get stopped by a year 10 student who wants to change subjects for year 11 next year.

"Hey Miss." The girl, Lara says and I smile.

"Morning Lara how are you?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah good good." She says then she sighs. "I don't want to be a pain, but I would like to move subjects if it's possible."

"Which subject did you want to change?" I ask.

"Chemistry, I put it in my reserves thinking I won't get it but I did."

"Okay, what subject did you want to change into?"

"Psychology because that's what I originally picked."

"Alright have you spoken to Mr Crawford about it?"


"Okay well I suggest you go and speak to him about it because he will be able to help you out better then me as he knows the lines and when subjects are running."

"Okay thanks."

"No worries Lara, do you know where his office is?"


"It's in the H block, where the computer rooms are."

"Okay thank you." She says and I smile.

"No worries." I say as I watch her walk away.

I continue the journey to my office, getting stopped by a couple more students before finally making it to my office.

"I made it." I say to Grace and she chuckles.

"You got stopped a few times didn't you?"

"Yep, I did." I sigh, placing my stuff down on my desk.

"It's gonna be a long day." I say and she nods.

"Agreed, but we've got this week, and 3 days next week then we're done."

"Thank god for that." I say taking a seat and opening my laptop.

"Yep, it's been a long and exhausting year that's for sure." She says and I nod, as I pick up my phone noticing I have a message from James.

I smile when I see that he's sent me a good morning message, telling me to enjoy my day. He is adorable... I think as I type away a response, also saying good morning and telling him to enjoy his day, also adding a see you soon, so hopefully he gets the hint that I want to see him again.

I then put my phone in my pocket and grab my things, starting to make my way to the classroom....

A few hours later...

Finally I am free and can go home as I have no classes to teach last two periods as I'd usually have my year 12's then.

I jump into my car, starting the engine and putting my seatbelt on, before putting the car into drive and heading out of the carpark.

I get home in a record time of 10 minutes as it would usually take me 20 with traffic. I park my car in the driveway, putting the hand break up, and the gear into park, before unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the car door to get out.

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now