Chapter 38

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My Tuesday morning started off pretty casual with me having to go into the club today to help Em out with some paperwork.

It was nice getting into the club and seeing all the boys in preparation for tomorrow night's game against the Dee's.

It's expected that there will be a massive turn out because it's been a while since AFL fans in Melbourne have been to the footy.

Today's captain's run was pretty good.

Most boys got through training unscathed which was good.

My plan for the rest of the day was to just go home and relax, but I have promised Mr James Worpel that I would spend the day with him.

Also perfect opportunity to ask him whether he would like to come with me to Dad's birthday dinner.

I did give Dad a ring this morning, wishing him a happy birthday, before Marcus took my phone and they started their footy talk, which usually means that I just need to shut up, as what I say wouldn't be heard anyway because those two just blab on.

But anyways, off to James' house I go.

The drive from the Whitten Oval to James' house didn't take long as he doesn't live too far from West Footscray, so I was there in no time.

I park my car in the driveway before getting out and walking up to the front door where I press the doorbell.

The doorbell hasn't even rung fully when the door flies open and James is standing there with a massive smile on his face.

"I've been waiting all morning to see you." He says wrapping me into a hug before placing a kiss on my lips which makes me smile.

"You're so cute." I say and he smiles, pulling away from our hug and shutting the front door, before pulling me in for another hug.

"What it's true."

"I know it's true, that's what makes it cuter." I say as we walk over to the couch and plonk ourselves down.

I lie on his chest as he plays with my hair.

"How was the captain's run this morning?"

"Yeah good, the boys are hyped for tomorrow night, such a big game you know."

"Yeah they would be. Hopefully they pull off the win."

"Fingers crossed."

"Are you confident?"

"I would like to say I am, but I just don't know. I am very nervous."

"I don't blame you for feeling that way."

"Yeah, but I am hopeful though." I say and he smiles. "Did you do anything productive today?"

"Had training today as well."

"And was it good?"

"As good as it can be." He says with a smile. "The boys are hyped for the season to start so we're all looking forward to it."

"And I'm looking forward to watching you play on Sunday." I say and he smiles.

"Can't wait to have you there." He says as I look up at him and smile.

"You know.... the last time we were like this was in Noosa." He adds and I nod.

"Seems like forever ago now."

"It really is." He says and I smile, leaning up and placing a kiss on his cheek before he cups my face and presses his lips to mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug before we pull away from the kiss.

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now