Chapter 72

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It's been a few days since that magical night where James proposed to me, and let's just say I am still in shock. 

We're back in Melbourne now, which kind of was a bummer as James and I were both enjoying our time away a little too much. 

But, it was time to come home as we can't stay in Noosa forever. Maybe we could live there once we've retired and our kids are out of the house. 

But as I said, I'm still in shock. I definitely wasn't expecting him to propose to me on the trip, and definitely not whilst in a hot air balloon. 

It was so romantic and beautiful and I couldn't have pictured it any other way. 

For years I have dreamt about this moment, about finally marrying the love of my life. I've dreamt about the proposal, and it was always a cute beach picnic, with those cliche lines they use in those romance movies. But what James did, was not cliche at all, it was very romantic and gorgeous. 

He put a lot of thought into it, as he does with all the things he does for me. But this, this was just extra special, and something I'll never forget. 

I roll over to look at the time, it's 9am. I sigh to myself, rolling back over and snuggling up to James who is still fast asleep. 

This boy could sleep through anything, like literally anything. A couple of weeks ago I literally knocked something over and it made a loud bang, but James slept right through it. 

I grab my phone off the bedside table, turning it on and then going on Instagram to scroll through my feed. 

After a couple of minutes of scrolling, I feel arms wrapped around me and I smile. I place my phone back on my bedside table and roll over to face him, a smile on my face. 

"Good morning fiancé." I say and he laughs, lifting his hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, then pressing a kiss to my forehead. 

"Morning gorgeous." He says. "What time did you get up?" 

"Oh, not that long ago." I say, lifting my hand up to play with his hair and he smiles. 

"Ah right." He says. 

"I still can't believe we're engaged." I say as he pulls me closer to him and smiles. 

"I know. It's crazy how far we've come." 

"It really is isn't it? Who would've thought that Noosa trip would've changed our lives forever. It was the best but worst time of my life at the same time." 

"It sure was." He says placing a kiss on my lips and I smile. 

"You're the best thing that's happened to me, you know that right?" 

"Of course I do. And you're the best thing that's happened to me." He says and I smile. 

"Love you." 

"Love you more." James tells me, before getting up out of bed and heading to the bathroom. I just lie there some more, not wanting to get up. 

James comes out of the bathroom and also hops back into bed, wrapping his arms around me and placing kisses on my neck. 

The one thing I love about James, is how affectionate he is. It's something I never knew I needed in my life as actions speak louder than words. I'd rather James show me he loves me by constantly hugging me, or kissing me, then him telling me, because I won't know if he actually means it. Obviously I know he does, but him showing me he loves me, is good reassurance. 

"So, what are the plans for today?" I ask, rolling over so I can look at him and he smiles.  

"Whatever you want to do my love." He says and I roll my eyes. 

"Stop tryna be cute, it's a genuine question." 

"So now I'm not cute?" 

"Never said that." I sigh and he chuckles. 

"We could just spend the day sitting on the couch watching movies?" He suggests and I nod. 

"Sounds awesome, but we always do that." 

"Very true." He chuckles. 

"But I guess we could probably pay Marcus and Em a visit later on today. I wanna go see Matteo and Bella, as well as the twins!" 

"Sounds good to me." James says and I smile. 

"We should probably get up, but I can't be bothered." 

"Yeah.. I think it's time we get up." He says and I groan. 

"How about I make you pancakes? Would that make you get up." 

"Oh my god yes!" I say feeling my stomach grumble at the word pancakes. 

"Alright good." James says standing up, before holding his hand out to pull me up too. 

We both head downstairs and I take a seat at the bench as I watch James walk around the kitchen, grabbing out all the equipment and ingredients needed to make pancakes. 

"You're lucky I did a shop when we got back." 

"You're just the best." I say and he smiles. 

"I know I am." 

I watch as James puts all the ingredients into the bowl, then stirring it. He walks over to a cupboard, pulling out a fry pan, and placing it on the stove top. 

He grabs the oil out, placing a dash in the pan, before setting it down on the bench. 

"Do you enjoy cooking?" I ask and James turns around to look at me, then smiles. 

"I don't mind it." He exclaims, turning back around to pour a bit of the pancake mixture into the pan. 

"You're good at it though." 

"You reckon?" 


"You're cute." 

"And so are you." I compliment back and he chuckles. 

"You know, I can't wait to marry you." 

"I know! I can't wait either." I smile. "I think we need to start planning." 

"Yeah, we've been a bit slack since we came back from Noosa." 

"Well, we haven't really spoken about what we wanna do you know." 

"True. I think we're still getting over the fact that we're getting married." 

"You're probably right." He says with a smile, and I smile too. 

"It's alright, we've got plenty of time. 

"Very true. I was thinking we could try and squeeze it in before the season starts." 

"Oh we'll definitely be married by then." He says and I chuckle. 

"Good to know." I say and he smiles as he grabs a plate out from the cupboard and places a pancake on it, then hands it to me. 

"Thank you my love." I say and he smiles. 

"Would you like me to get the jam for you? And a knife?" 

"That would be lovely." I say and he smiles, then shakes his head. 

"You're lucky I love you." He says, grabbing the jam out of the fridge, handing it to me, before grabbing a knife and placing it in front of me. He then goes back to the stove to cook the rest of the pancakes. 

"I know." I say with a smile... 


Hey guys, a bit of a filler chapter today! 

Remember to vote and comment 

Next update out soon! 

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