Chapter 67

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The next morning I wake up with a massive migraine and realise that even though I didn't want to drink, I ended up having a few as both Will and James persuaded me to have a few and let loose a bit.

Even Will's girlfriend Victoria was urging me to join in on the fun, so of course I had a few.

And now I realise why I didn't like drinking, the after effects. I roll over to see James is on his phone and I smile, snuggling into him and placing a kiss on his cheek which makes him face me.

"Good morning. You had a nice sleep in."

"I guess I did." I say and he smiles.

"Good, you deserved it."

"Was it your plan to get me drunk this whole time?"

"No, it wasn't my plan. But Hayward said he reckons you're a lightweight, I had to test that theory out."

"He guessed well." I groan and James chuckles.

"Definitely guessed well. How about we order some room service and spend all day today in bed?" James suggests and I smile.

"That sounds like a wonderful plan. How long do we have the apartment for?"

"As long as we'd like." James says pressing a kiss to the side of my head as he gets up. I can't help but admire him as he walks over to the phone and calls room service, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face as he talks.

He knows he is hot. By the smug look on his face as he hangs up the phone.

"Enjoying the view?"

"What outside? Why yes it's lovely."

"No. I mean this view." He says walking over to me and placing a kiss on my lips which makes me smile.

"Oh yeah definitely a good view, but the one outside is better."


"I'm joking babe. You look hot, especially in a suit." I say and he laughs.

"Knew I'd get it out of ya."

"Funny." I smile as I pull him to my chest to play with his hair.

"When's the room service coming?" I groan.

"Soon, I assume, they didn't give me a time." James shrugs and I nod.

"That's a bit stupid." I add and he laughs just as there's a knock on the door and someone yelling "room service."

I smile as James gets up and walks out of the bedroom and to the door.

Not long later he walks into the bedroom wheeling in our food and I smile, moving to the edge of the bed.

I look at all the food on there and smile. There was heaps, from bacon, to eggs, to pancakes. James had really gone all out and decided to order literally everything on the menu.

"James." I say. "Did you order everything on the menu?"

"Maybe." He shrugs and I roll my eyes.

"You didn't have too."

"I knew you were hungry."

"Okay, yes I am hungry, but this is a feast that would feed me and you, plus basically all the boys at the club."

"You're probably right." James sighs, scratching his head and I chuckle.

"Well, we could tell Em and Marcus to come help us eat the food?" I suggest and James nods.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll ring Bont." He smiles, and I smile too as I watch him pick up his phone and dial my brother's number.

"Hey Bont, how are ya?" I hear James say which makes me laugh.

"Yeah good, and not much. Tahls and I ordered a bit too much room service or should I say breakfast for the two of us, we were wondering if you two would like to join?" James asks and I roll my eyes.

"James ordered too much room service!" I yell and James shushes me as he listens intently to whatever my dumbass brother has to say.

"Perfect! See you in 5." James says as he hangs up.

"They're coming."

"Alright, well we should set the table up." I suggest, getting out of bed and walking into the kitchen.

"Lucky, there's four plates." I say opening a cupboard and pulling out the plates before walking over to the table and placing them down, one in each spot.

I then grab out some napkins as well as some cutlery as James places the food on the table.

We're just about done when there's a knock on the door.

James runs over and opens it, greeting both Marcus and Em before shutting the door and walking back over to where I am.

"Morning." I say and Marcus chuckles.

"It's more like afternoon." He sighs taking a seat and I look at Em who shrugs.

"You know how he is when he's hungry."

"True." I say before sitting down and helping myself to some food.

"Well, dig in guys." I say and they all smile, loading their plates full of food.

"So Tahls, did you enjoy your night last night?" Marcus asks and I nod.

"I did. It was awesome to finally attend a Brownlow. Living my childhood dream." I say and they all laugh.

"What? Heaps of girls would KILL to go to the Brownlow... come on Em, don't tell me your first thought wasn't that you could finally go to the Brownlow when you got together with Marcus?"

"Okay I did think that.." Em says. "Guilty."

"Wow. So all these years you just used me to go to the Brownlow? How rude.." Marcus says and I laugh.

"Yeah that's why I've had 2 kids and about to have a 3rd one with you and have been married to you for years." Em rolls her eyes.

"True." Marcus says and I smile.

"You two are still disgustingly cute even after all these years." 

"Well, what can I say..." Em shrugs. "You two will become like this too." She says and I smile. 

"You reckon?" I say looking at James and he laughs. 

"We'll probably be worse." He shrugs which makes everyone laugh. 

"We will not." I roll my eyes and Em smiles. 

"Alright, we'll see." She teases and I smile. 

The rest of the day goes by pretty slowly, but I don't mind. I was in a mood to not do anything today, which James was fine with. 

We spent the day with Marcus and Em, just chilling in our apartment before we all decided that enoughs enough, so we head home. 

As soon as James and I are home, we plonk ourselves on the couch, turning the tv on and watching am movie that's playing on the screen. 

James pulls me into his arms, placing a kiss on my head as I snuggle into his chest.... 


Hey guys, bit of a boring chapter today. 

Hope you still enjoyed it though! 

I've been struggling to find motivation to write chapters and it's really frustrating, so apologies for not updating frequently. 

Remember to vote and comment 

Next update out soon! 

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